Activity log for bug #200085

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2008-03-09 08:44:34 Ricardo Pérez López bug added bug
2008-03-09 08:44:34 Ricardo Pérez López bug added attachment 'tracker-applet.png' (tracker-applet.png)
2008-03-09 08:45:02 Ricardo Pérez López bug added attachment 'Pantallazo-Applet Preferences.png' (Pantallazo-Applet Preferences.png)
2008-03-09 09:24:44 Ricardo Pérez López bug added subscriber Carlos Perelló Marín
2008-12-01 05:57:33 Daniel T Chen tracker: status New Incomplete
2008-12-01 05:57:33 Daniel T Chen tracker: importance Undecided Low
2008-12-01 05:57:33 Daniel T Chen tracker: statusexplanation Is this symptom still reproducible in 8.10 or 9.04?
2009-01-14 20:38:44 Pedro Villavicencio tracker: status Incomplete Invalid
2009-01-14 20:38:44 Pedro Villavicencio tracker: statusexplanation Is this symptom still reproducible in 8.10 or 9.04?
2009-02-17 07:36:52 marco.pallotta tracker: status Invalid New
2009-02-17 07:36:52 marco.pallotta tracker: statusexplanation I tested the issue in Intrepid (italian language) as Daniel sayd in his post on 2008-12-01 and the tracker "Applet preferences" isn't translated as well as it isn't in Hardy
2009-03-02 16:34:48 marco.pallotta tracker: status New Confirmed
2009-03-02 16:34:48 marco.pallotta tracker: statusexplanation I tested the issue in Intrepid (italian language) as Daniel sayd in his post on 2008-12-01 and the tracker "Applet preferences" isn't translated as well as it isn't in Hardy