Comment 2 for bug 529037

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package transmission - 1.92-0ubuntu1

transmission (1.92-0ubuntu1) lucid; urgency=low

  [ Krzysztof Klimonda ]
  * New upstream release (LP: #538034), rebased on debian testing.
    Remaining changes:
    - debian/control:
      + Added replaces & provides clutch (now included as part of transmission).
        Can be removed in lucid+1
      + Added liblaunchpad-integration-dev and lsb-release to Build-Depends
    - debian/rules:
      + create a po template during package build.
    - debian/patches/01_lpi.patch:
      + integrate transmission with launchpad
    - debian/patches/20_add_x-ubuntu-gettext-domain.diff:
      + add x-ubuntu-gettext-domain to .desktop file.
    - debian/transmission-daemon.default:
      - remove --auth from OPTIONS
    - debian/control, debian/rules:
      + build transmission gtk+ client with both gconf and libcanberra support.
    - debian/patches/dont_build_libevent.patch:
      + disable libevent in and because we use autotools
        to regenerate build files.
    - lucid/debian/patches/updateminiupnpcstrings_double_escape_slash.patch:
      + Deleted as the bug is fixed upstream
  * Fixes bugs:
    - Fix directory selection error in GTK+ 2.19 (LP: #518692)
    - Transmission "Set Location" - dialog doesn't disappear (LP: #529037)
    - The "Torrent Options" dialog's Torrent Priority row gets too much
      vertical stretch (LP: #527299)
    - "Open Folder" behavior can be confusing for single-file torrents
      (LP: #505861)
  * Refreshed 99_autoreconf.patch

  [ Chris Coulson ]
  * debian/patches/disable_web_ui.patch:
    - Disable the web UI by default again (LP: #542194)
 -- Krzysztof Klimonda <email address hidden> Wed, 03 Mar 2010 02:55:26 +0100