I have a fix for this and have tested it.
References: http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/ColumnWidths.html http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/style_guide/html/style-tips.html http://osdir.com/ml/fop-users-xmlgraphics.apache.org/2009-04/msg00109.html
It also reduces the number of warnings during PDF generation. (but didn't totally eliminate table related warnings, so I'll work on that some more.)
I am also adding a column to the table with minimum CPU requirments as copied from: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements#Ubuntu_Server_.28CLI.29_Installation
I have a fix for this and have tested it.
References: www.sagehill. net/docbookxsl/ ColumnWidths. html docs.evergreen- ils.org/ style_guide/ html/style- tips.html osdir.com/ ml/fop- users-xmlgraphi cs.apache. org/2009- 04/msg00109. html
It also reduces the number of warnings during PDF generation. (but didn't totally eliminate table related warnings, so I'll work on that some more.)
I am also adding a column to the table with minimum CPU requirments as copied from: /help.ubuntu. com/community/ Installation/ SystemRequireme nts#Ubuntu_ Server_ .28CLI. 29_Installation