2016-09-08 15:08:05 |
Cris Dywan |
description |
This is the cause for the Sections index resetting after initialization, see bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1610231
Create the file ModelTest.qml:
import QtQuick 2.4
Item {
id: root
width: 800
height: 600
ListView {
model: root.model
onModelChanged: print("LV model changed to "+model[0]+" "+model[1]+" "+model[2]+" "+model[3])
Component.onCompleted: print("ListView completed.")
Component.onCompleted: print("root item completed.")
property list<QtObject> objectList
onObjectListChanged: print("root.objectList changed to "+objectList[0]+" "+objectList[1]+" "+objectList[2])
property var model: objectList
and run this program modelInst.qml:
import QtQuick 2.4
import Ubuntu.Components 1.3
ModelTest {
QtObject {
objectName: "one"
id: objectOne
QtObject {
objectName: "two"
id: objectTwo
objectName: "three"
id: objectThree
objectList: [objectOne, objectTwo, objectThree]
The output is as follows:
ubuntu@xenial1:~/dev/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/m/qt56fixes2sections$ qmlscene modelInst.qml
qml: root.objectList changed to undefined undefined undefined
qml: root.objectList changed to QObject(0x118abf0, "one") undefined undefined
qml: root.objectList changed to QObject(0x118abf0, "one") QObject(0x118a110, "two") undefined
qml: root.objectList changed to QObject(0x118abf0, "one") QObject(0x118a110, "two") QObject(0x1182f80, "three")
qml: LV model changed to QObject(0x118abf0, "one") QObject(0x118a110, "two") QObject(0x1182f80, "three") undefined
qml: LV model changed to QObject(0x118abf0, "one") QObject(0x118a110, "two") QObject(0x1182f80, "three") undefined
qml: root item completed.
qml: ListView completed.
qml: LV model changed to QObject(0x118abf0, "one") QObject(0x118a110, "two") QObject(0x1182f80, "three") undefined
qml: LV model changed to QObject(0x118abf0, "one") QObject(0x118a110, "two") QObject(0x1182f80, "three") undefined
so the model ic changed AFTER the ListView and root item are completed.
When the Ubuntu.Components import is removed, the output is correct, like this:
ubuntu@xenial1:~/dev/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/m/qt56fixes2sections$ qmlscene modelInst.qml
qml: root.objectList changed to undefined undefined undefined
qml: root.objectList changed to QObject(0x171c8d0, "one") undefined undefined
qml: root.objectList changed to QObject(0x171c8d0, "one") QObject(0x171d290, "two") undefined
qml: root.objectList changed to QObject(0x171c8d0, "one") QObject(0x171d290, "two") QObject(0x171d420, "three")
qml: LV model changed to QObject(0x171c8d0, "one") QObject(0x171d290, "two") QObject(0x171d420, "three") undefined
qml: LV model changed to QObject(0x171c8d0, "one") QObject(0x171d290, "two") QObject(0x171d420, "three") undefined
qml: root item completed.
qml: ListView completed.
Also, if there is no ListView inside ModelTest.qml, then nothing is updated after the items are completed. So I suspect the issue is in our ListView extension. |
This is the cause for the Sections index resetting after initialization, see bug 1610231.
Create the file ModelTest.qml:
import QtQuick 2.4
Item {
id: root
width: 800
height: 600
ListView {
model: root.model
onModelChanged: print("LV model changed to "+model[0]+" "+model[1]+" "+model[2]+" "+model[3])
Component.onCompleted: print("ListView completed.")
Component.onCompleted: print("root item completed.")
property list<QtObject> objectList
onObjectListChanged: print("root.objectList changed to "+objectList[0]+" "+objectList[1]+" "+objectList[2])
property var model: objectList
And run this program modelInst.qml:
import QtQuick 2.4
import Ubuntu.Components 1.3
ModelTest {
QtObject {
objectName: "one"
id: objectOne
QtObject {
objectName: "two"
id: objectTwo
objectName: "three"
id: objectThree
objectList: [objectOne, objectTwo, objectThree]
The output is as follows:
$ qmlscene modelInst.qml
qml: root.objectList changed to undefined undefined undefined
qml: root.objectList changed to QObject(0x118abf0, "one") undefined undefined
qml: root.objectList changed to QObject(0x118abf0, "one") QObject(0x118a110, "two") undefined
qml: root.objectList changed to QObject(0x118abf0, "one") QObject(0x118a110, "two") QObject(0x1182f80, "three")
qml: LV model changed to QObject(0x118abf0, "one") QObject(0x118a110, "two") QObject(0x1182f80, "three") undefined
qml: LV model changed to QObject(0x118abf0, "one") QObject(0x118a110, "two") QObject(0x1182f80, "three") undefined
qml: root item completed.
qml: ListView completed.
qml: LV model changed to QObject(0x118abf0, "one") QObject(0x118a110, "two") QObject(0x1182f80, "three") undefined
qml: LV model changed to QObject(0x118abf0, "one") QObject(0x118a110, "two") QObject(0x1182f80, "three") undefined
So the model is changed AFTER the ListView and root item are completed.
When the Ubuntu.Components import is removed the output is correct:
$ qmlscene modelInst.qml
qml: root.objectList changed to undefined undefined undefined
qml: root.objectList changed to QObject(0x171c8d0, "one") undefined undefined
qml: root.objectList changed to QObject(0x171c8d0, "one") QObject(0x171d290, "two") undefined
qml: root.objectList changed to QObject(0x171c8d0, "one") QObject(0x171d290, "two") QObject(0x171d420, "three")
qml: LV model changed to QObject(0x171c8d0, "one") QObject(0x171d290, "two") QObject(0x171d420, "three") undefined
qml: LV model changed to QObject(0x171c8d0, "one") QObject(0x171d290, "two") QObject(0x171d420, "three") undefined
qml: root item completed.
qml: ListView completed.
Also, if there is no ListView inside ModelTest.qml, then nothing is updated after the items are completed. So I suspect the issue is in our ListView extension. |
2016-09-15 13:51:17 |
Tim Peeters |
description |
This is the cause for the Sections index resetting after initialization, see bug 1610231.
Create the file ModelTest.qml:
import QtQuick 2.4
Item {
id: root
width: 800
height: 600
ListView {
model: root.model
onModelChanged: print("LV model changed to "+model[0]+" "+model[1]+" "+model[2]+" "+model[3])
Component.onCompleted: print("ListView completed.")
Component.onCompleted: print("root item completed.")
property list<QtObject> objectList
onObjectListChanged: print("root.objectList changed to "+objectList[0]+" "+objectList[1]+" "+objectList[2])
property var model: objectList
And run this program modelInst.qml:
import QtQuick 2.4
import Ubuntu.Components 1.3
ModelTest {
QtObject {
objectName: "one"
id: objectOne
QtObject {
objectName: "two"
id: objectTwo
objectName: "three"
id: objectThree
objectList: [objectOne, objectTwo, objectThree]
The output is as follows:
$ qmlscene modelInst.qml
qml: root.objectList changed to undefined undefined undefined
qml: root.objectList changed to QObject(0x118abf0, "one") undefined undefined
qml: root.objectList changed to QObject(0x118abf0, "one") QObject(0x118a110, "two") undefined
qml: root.objectList changed to QObject(0x118abf0, "one") QObject(0x118a110, "two") QObject(0x1182f80, "three")
qml: LV model changed to QObject(0x118abf0, "one") QObject(0x118a110, "two") QObject(0x1182f80, "three") undefined
qml: LV model changed to QObject(0x118abf0, "one") QObject(0x118a110, "two") QObject(0x1182f80, "three") undefined
qml: root item completed.
qml: ListView completed.
qml: LV model changed to QObject(0x118abf0, "one") QObject(0x118a110, "two") QObject(0x1182f80, "three") undefined
qml: LV model changed to QObject(0x118abf0, "one") QObject(0x118a110, "two") QObject(0x1182f80, "three") undefined
So the model is changed AFTER the ListView and root item are completed.
When the Ubuntu.Components import is removed the output is correct:
$ qmlscene modelInst.qml
qml: root.objectList changed to undefined undefined undefined
qml: root.objectList changed to QObject(0x171c8d0, "one") undefined undefined
qml: root.objectList changed to QObject(0x171c8d0, "one") QObject(0x171d290, "two") undefined
qml: root.objectList changed to QObject(0x171c8d0, "one") QObject(0x171d290, "two") QObject(0x171d420, "three")
qml: LV model changed to QObject(0x171c8d0, "one") QObject(0x171d290, "two") QObject(0x171d420, "three") undefined
qml: LV model changed to QObject(0x171c8d0, "one") QObject(0x171d290, "two") QObject(0x171d420, "three") undefined
qml: root item completed.
qml: ListView completed.
Also, if there is no ListView inside ModelTest.qml, then nothing is updated after the items are completed. So I suspect the issue is in our ListView extension. |
This is the cause for the Sections index resetting after initialization, see bug 1610231.
Use this code:
------ ModelFromList13.qml ------
import QtQuick 2.4
// This component is used in tst_listview_bug1621509.13.qml
Item {
id: root
property var myObject
property int count: 0 // will hold the number of changes to myObject after Component.completed.
onMyObjectChanged: {
print("myObject changed to "+myObject)
Component.onCompleted: {
count = 0;
------ tst_list_model_from_list_bug1621509.13.qml ------
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtTest 1.0
// Ubuntu.Components is not explicitly used below, but its import causes bug #1621509.
import Ubuntu.Components 1.3
TestCase {
id: testCase
name: "EmbeddedListView"
width: 100
height: 100
// Bug #1621509 only occurs when we wait for the window to be visible.
// Forces the components to be completed before the test functions are executed.
when: windowShown
ModelFromList13 {
id: embeddedListView
QtObject {
objectName: "one"
id: objectOne
myObject: objectOne
Component.onCompleted: {
print("Component completed."); // must print something to reproduce the bug.
function test_no_model_change_after_completed_bug1621509_bug1610231() {
compare(embeddedListView.count, 0,
"The model was changed after the component was completed.");
the test will fail. Also, one can replace the TestCase by Item (and remove when: windowShown) and simply use qmlscene to start the app. It will show that myObject is set twice: before the component completed, and then again afterwards. I suspect the reason for this is the change of the 'window' context property which causes everything in the context (objectOne) and properties that depend on that to be re-evaluated. |