In /usr/share/apport/package_hook, which is called by, we see that we can individual log files.
optparser.add_option('-l', '--log',*
help='Append given log file, or, if it is a directory, all files in it (can be specified multiple times)',
action='append', type='string', dest='logs')
So having a white list of files seems like the best idea to me.
In /usr/share/ apport/ package_ hook, which is called by DistUpgradeAppo, we see that we can individual log files.
optparser. add_option( '-l', '--log',* 'append' , type='string', dest='logs')
help='Append given log file, or, if it is a directory, all files in it (can be specified multiple times)',
So having a white list of files seems like the best idea to me.