From a user perspective, ubuntu-support-status has not just been not working, but has been providing false / misleading information across the past two or three LTS releases. There is no hint on this fact available anywhere but no this bug report. Plus (to my knowledge) there is no other utility which provides reliable information on a systems' support status.
As a user, this provides me with discomfort. Maybe, as a first step, it would be good to SRU a patch which just suggests to take the utilities' output with a grain of salt?
From a user perspective, ubuntu- support- status has not just been not working, but has been providing false / misleading information across the past two or three LTS releases. There is no hint on this fact available anywhere but no this bug report. Plus (to my knowledge) there is no other utility which provides reliable information on a systems' support status.
As a user, this provides me with discomfort. Maybe, as a first step, it would be good to SRU a patch which just suggests to take the utilities' output with a grain of salt?