In case of failsafe session, gnome-session is called with -f options.
Currently, in lucid :
/etc/X11/Xsession.d/20x11-common_process-args with $1 "gnome-session -f", causes some troubles when trying to STARTUP_FULL_PATH=$(/usr/bin/which "$1" || true) :)
Then, we got an empty STARTUP variable and /etc/X11/Xsession.d/50x11-common_determine-startup set it to /usr/bin/x-session-manager, which is an alternative to gnome-session in lucid.
Finally, the failsafe session isn't started.
Also, if seahorse-plugins is installed:
/etc/X11/Xsession.d/60seahorse-plugins will add "gnome-session -f" to $STARTUP (thinking that first bug is fixed).
Unfortunately, STARTUP="$SEAHORSE --execute $STARTUP", --execute doesn't support additional arguments like gnome-session -f. It should be gnome-session -- -f.
Binary package hint: xorg
In case of failsafe session, gnome-session is called with -f options.
Currently, in lucid : Xsession. d/20x11- common_ process- args with $1 "gnome-session -f", causes some troubles when trying to STARTUP_ FULL_PATH= $(/usr/ bin/which "$1" || true) :)
Then, we got an empty STARTUP variable and /etc/X11/ Xsession. d/50x11- common_ determine- startup set it to /usr/bin/ x-session- manager, which is an alternative to gnome-session in lucid.
Finally, the failsafe session isn't started.
Also, if seahorse-plugins is installed: Xsession. d/60seahorse- plugins will add "gnome-session -f" to $STARTUP (thinking that first bug is fixed).
Unfortunately, STARTUP="$SEAHORSE --execute $STARTUP", --execute doesn't support additional arguments like gnome-session -f. It should be gnome-session -- -f.
This fixes that too.