[ Ken VanDine ]
* New version (LP: #418974)
- Don't set xsplash binary setuid gdm, use setuid in xsplash
- Xsplash flickers and uses the gtk_color_scheme's window background
color (LP: #416004)
- Image size popping on login (LP: #411720)
- xsplash crashed with signal 5 in g_type_create_instance() (LP: #412648)
- Fixes for the non-compositing case
- Added configure time argument to allow building with a user to run as
- Added throbber and logo
- Added command line arguments to set:
* background image
* logo image
* throbber image
* number of frames for the throbber
* pingpong (reverse throbber)
* debian/rules:
- Added --with-user=gdm to configure
[ Martin Pitt ]
* debian/control: Fix Vcs-*.
-- Ken VanDine <email address hidden> Wed, 26 Aug 2009 18:09:27 +0200
This bug was fixed in the package xsplash - 0.6-0ubuntu1
xsplash (0.6-0ubuntu1) karmic; urgency=low
[ Ken VanDine ] create_ instance( ) (LP: #412648)
* New version (LP: #418974)
- Don't set xsplash binary setuid gdm, use setuid in xsplash
- Xsplash flickers and uses the gtk_color_scheme's window background
color (LP: #416004)
- Image size popping on login (LP: #411720)
- xsplash crashed with signal 5 in g_type_
- Fixes for the non-compositing case
- Added configure time argument to allow building with a user to run as
- Added throbber and logo
- Added command line arguments to set:
* background image
* logo image
* throbber image
* number of frames for the throbber
* pingpong (reverse throbber)
* debian/rules:
- Added --with-user=gdm to configure
[ Martin Pitt ]
* debian/control: Fix Vcs-*.
-- Ken VanDine <email address hidden> Wed, 26 Aug 2009 18:09:27 +0200