GLOB sdist-make: /home/grant/git/canonical/canonical-ua/ behave-lxd-20.04 inst-nodeps: /home/grant/git/canonical/canonical-ua/.tox/.tmp/package/1/ behave-lxd-20.04 installed: adal==1.2.7,appdirs==1.4.4,applicationinsights==0.11.10,argcomplete==1.12.3,attrs==20.3.0,azure-cli-core==2.22.1,azure-cli-telemetry==1.0.6,azure-common==1.1.27,azure-core==1.13.0,azure-mgmt-compute==14.0.0,azure-mgmt-core==1.2.2,azure-mgmt-network==13.0.0,azure-mgmt-resource==12.1.0,backcall==0.2.0,bcrypt==3.2.0,behave==1.2.6,boto3==1.17.60,botocore==1.20.60,cachetools==4.2.2,certifi==2020.12.5,cffi==1.14.5,chardet==4.0.0,cliff==3.7.0,cmd2==1.5.0,colorama==0.4.4,configparser==4.0.2,coverage==5.5,cryptography==3.3.2,debtcollector==2.2.0,decorator==5.0.7,dogpile.cache==1.1.2,flake8==3.9.1,google-api-core==1.26.3,google-api-python-client==2.3.0,google-auth==1.30.0,google-auth-httplib2==0.1.0,googleapis-common-protos==1.53.0,httplib2==0.19.1,humanfriendly==9.1,idna==2.10,iniconfig==1.1.1,ipdb==0.13.7,ipython==7.22.0,ipython-genutils==0.2.0,iso8601==0.1.14,isodate==0.6.0,jedi==0.18.0,jmespath==0.10.0,jsonpatch==1.32,jsonpointer==2.1,keystoneauth1==4.3.1,knack==0.8.1,mccabe==0.6.1,mock==4.0.3,msal==1.11.0,msgpack==1.0.2,msrest==0.6.21,msrestazure==0.6.4,munch==2.5.0,netaddr==0.8.0,netifaces==0.10.9,oauthlib==3.1.0,oci==2.38.0,openstacksdk==0.56.0,os-service-types==1.7.0,osc-lib==2.3.1,oslo.config==8.6.0,oslo.i18n==5.0.1,oslo.serialization==4.1.0,oslo.utils==4.8.0,packaging==20.9,paramiko==2.7.2,parse==1.19.0,parse-type==0.5.2,parso==0.8.2,pbr==5.6.0,pexpect==4.8.0,pickleshare==0.7.5,pkginfo==1.7.0,pluggy==0.13.1,portalocker==1.7.1,prettytable==2.1.0,prompt-toolkit==3.0.18,protobuf==3.15.8,psutil==5.8.0,ptyprocess==0.7.0,py==1.10.0,pyasn1==0.4.8,pyasn1-modules==0.2.8,pycloudlib @ git+,pycodestyle==2.7.0,pycparser==2.20,pyflakes==2.3.1,Pygments==2.8.1,PyHamcrest==2.0.2,PyJWT==1.7.1,PyNaCl==1.4.0,pyOpenSSL==19.1.0,pyparsing==2.4.7,pyperclip==1.8.2,pytest==6.2.3,pytest-cov==2.11.1,python-cinderclient==7.4.0,python-dateutil==2.8.1,python-keystoneclient==4.2.0,python-novaclient==17.4.0,python-openstackclient==5.5.0,python-simplestreams @ git+,pytz==2021.1,PyYAML==5.4.1,requests==2.25.1,requests-oauthlib==1.3.0,requestsexceptions==1.4.0,rfc3986==1.4.0,rsa==4.7.2,s3transfer==0.4.2,simplejson==3.17.2,six==1.15.0,stevedore==3.3.0,tabulate==0.8.9,toml==0.10.2,traitlets==5.0.5,ubuntu-advantage-tools @ file:///home/grant/git/canonical/canonical-ua/.tox/.tmp/package/1/,uritemplate==3.0.1,urllib3==1.26.4,wcwidth==0.2.5,wrapt==1.12.1 behave-lxd-20.04 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='3279395880' behave-lxd-20.04 run-test: commands[0] | behave -v --tags=series.focal,series.all '--tags=~upgrade' Loading config defaults from "./tox.ini" Using defaults: color True show_snippets True show_skipped False dry_run False show_source True show_timings True stdout_capture False stderr_capture False log_capture False logging_format %(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s logging_level info steps_catalog False summary True junit True stage None userdata {} default_format pretty default_tags scenario_outline_annotation_schema {name} -- @{} {} more_formatters {} Using default path "./features" Trying base directory: /home/grant/git/canonical/canonical-ua/features --- job suffix: None Config options: build_pr = False image_clean = True destroy_instances = True aws_access_key_id = None aws_secret_access_key = None az_client_id = None az_client_secret = None az_tenant_id = None az_subscription_id = None gcp_credentials_path = None gcp_project = None contract_token = contract_token_staging = machine_type = lxd.container private_key_file = None private_key_name = uaclient-integration reuse_image = None debs_path = None artifact_dir = None ppa = ppa:ua-client/staging ppa_keyid = 6C0BC933 Feature: Command behaviour when trying to attach a machine to an Ubuntu # features/attach_invalidtoken.feature:1 Advantage subscription using an invalid token @series.all Scenario Outline: Attach command in a machine -- @1.1 ubuntu release # features/attach_invalidtoken.feature:19 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua attach INVALID_TOKEN` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ Invalid token. See """ When I verify that running `ua attach INVALID_TOKEN` `as non-root` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attach command in a machine -- @1.2 ubuntu release # features/attach_invalidtoken.feature:20 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua attach INVALID_TOKEN` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ Invalid token. See """ When I verify that running `ua attach INVALID_TOKEN` `as non-root` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attach command in a machine -- @1.3 ubuntu release # features/attach_invalidtoken.feature:21 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua attach INVALID_TOKEN` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ Invalid token. See """ When I verify that running `ua attach INVALID_TOKEN` `as non-root` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attach command in a machine -- @1.4 ubuntu release # features/attach_invalidtoken.feature:22 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua attach INVALID_TOKEN` `with sudo` exits `1` # features/steps/ Then stderr matches regexp # features/steps/ """ Invalid token. See """ When I verify that running `ua attach INVALID_TOKEN` `as non-root` exits `1` # features/steps/ Then I will see the following on stderr # features/steps/ """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ @uses.config.contract_token Feature: Command behaviour when attaching a machine to an Ubuntu Advantage # features/attach_validtoken.feature:2 subscription using a valid token @series.xenial @series.bionic @series.focal @uses.config.machine_type.lxd.container Scenario Outline: Attach command in a ubuntu lxd container -- @1.1 ubuntu release packages # features/attach_validtoken.feature:116 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I run `apt-get update` with sudo, retrying exit [100] # None And I run `apt-get install -y libgit2-0=0.19.0-2` with sudo, retrying exit [100] # None And I run `run-parts /etc/update-motd.d/` with sudo # None Then if `trusty` in `xenial or bionic` and stdout matches regexp # None """ \d+ package(s)? can be updated. \d+ of these updates (is a|are) security update(s)?. """ Then if `trusty` in `focal` and stdout matches regexp # None """ \d+ update(s)? can be installed immediately. \d+ of these updates (is a|are) security update(s)?. """ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ UA Infra: ESM enabled """ And stdout matches regexp # None """ This machine is now attached to """ And stdout matches regexp # None """ SERVICE ENTITLED STATUS DESCRIPTION esm-infra +yes +enabled +UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips +yes +n/a +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates +yes +n/a +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch +yes +n/a +Canonical Livepatch service """ And stderr matches regexp # None """ Enabling default service esm-infra """ When I append the following on uaclient config # None """ features: allow_beta: true """ And I run `apt update` with sudo # None And I run `python3 /usr/lib/ubuntu-advantage/` with sudo # None And I run `apt install update-motd` with sudo, retrying exit [100] # None And I run `update-motd` with sudo # None Then if `trusty` in `focal` and stdout matches regexp # None """ \* Introducing Extended Security Maintenance for Applications. +Receive updates to over 30,000 software packages with your +Ubuntu Advantage subscription. Free for personal use. +https:\/\/\/esm UA (Infra:|Infrastructure) Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) is enabled. \d+ update(s)? can be installed immediately. \d+ of these updates (is|are) (fixed|provided) through UA (Infra:|Infrastructure) ESM. \d+ of these updates (is a|are) security update(s)?. To see these additional updates run: apt list --upgradable """ Then if `trusty` in `xenial or bionic` and stdout matches regexp # None """ \* Introducing Extended Security Maintenance for Applications. +Receive updates to over 30,000 software packages with your +Ubuntu Advantage subscription. Free for personal use. +https:\/\/\/esm UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) is enabled. \d+ package(s)? can be updated. \d+ of these updates (is a|are) security update(s)?. To see these additional updates run: apt list --upgradable """ When I update contract to use `effectiveTo` as `days=-20` # None And I run `python3 /usr/lib/ubuntu-advantage/` with sudo # None And I run `update-motd` with sudo # None Then if `trusty` in `xenial or bionic` and stdout matches regexp # None """ \*Your UA Infra: ESM subscription has EXPIRED\* \d+ additional security update\(s\) could have been applied via UA Infra: ESM. Renew your UA services at https:\/\/\/esm """ Then if `trusty` in `xenial` and stdout matches regexp # None """ Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. """ When I run `apt upgrade --dry-run` with sudo # None Then if `trusty` in `xenial` and stdout matches regexp # None """ \*Your UA Infra: ESM subscription has EXPIRED\* Enabling UA Infra: ESM service would provide security updates for following packages: libkrad0 1 esm-infra security update\(s\) NOT APPLIED. Renew your UA services at https:\/\/\/advantage """ @series.xenial @series.bionic @series.focal @uses.config.machine_type.lxd.container Scenario Outline: Attach command in a ubuntu lxd container -- @1.2 ubuntu release packages # features/attach_validtoken.feature:117 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I run `apt-get update` with sudo, retrying exit [100] # None And I run `apt-get install -y libkrad0=1.13.2+dfsg-5` with sudo, retrying exit [100] # None And I run `run-parts /etc/update-motd.d/` with sudo # None Then if `xenial` in `xenial or bionic` and stdout matches regexp # None """ \d+ package(s)? can be updated. \d+ of these updates (is a|are) security update(s)?. """ Then if `xenial` in `focal` and stdout matches regexp # None """ \d+ update(s)? can be installed immediately. \d+ of these updates (is a|are) security update(s)?. """ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ UA Infra: ESM enabled """ And stdout matches regexp # None """ This machine is now attached to """ And stdout matches regexp # None """ SERVICE ENTITLED STATUS DESCRIPTION esm-infra +yes +enabled +UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips +yes +n/a +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates +yes +n/a +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch +yes +n/a +Canonical Livepatch service """ And stderr matches regexp # None """ Enabling default service esm-infra """ When I append the following on uaclient config # None """ features: allow_beta: true """ And I run `apt update` with sudo # None And I run `python3 /usr/lib/ubuntu-advantage/` with sudo # None And I run `apt install update-motd` with sudo, retrying exit [100] # None And I run `update-motd` with sudo # None Then if `xenial` in `focal` and stdout matches regexp # None """ \* Introducing Extended Security Maintenance for Applications. +Receive updates to over 30,000 software packages with your +Ubuntu Advantage subscription. Free for personal use. +https:\/\/\/esm UA (Infra:|Infrastructure) Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) is enabled. \d+ update(s)? can be installed immediately. \d+ of these updates (is|are) (fixed|provided) through UA (Infra:|Infrastructure) ESM. \d+ of these updates (is a|are) security update(s)?. To see these additional updates run: apt list --upgradable """ Then if `xenial` in `xenial or bionic` and stdout matches regexp # None """ \* Introducing Extended Security Maintenance for Applications. +Receive updates to over 30,000 software packages with your +Ubuntu Advantage subscription. Free for personal use. +https:\/\/\/esm UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) is enabled. \d+ package(s)? can be updated. \d+ of these updates (is a|are) security update(s)?. To see these additional updates run: apt list --upgradable """ When I update contract to use `effectiveTo` as `days=-20` # None And I run `python3 /usr/lib/ubuntu-advantage/` with sudo # None And I run `update-motd` with sudo # None Then if `xenial` in `xenial or bionic` and stdout matches regexp # None """ \*Your UA Infra: ESM subscription has EXPIRED\* \d+ additional security update\(s\) could have been applied via UA Infra: ESM. Renew your UA services at https:\/\/\/esm """ Then if `xenial` in `xenial` and stdout matches regexp # None """ Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. """ When I run `apt upgrade --dry-run` with sudo # None Then if `xenial` in `xenial` and stdout matches regexp # None """ \*Your UA Infra: ESM subscription has EXPIRED\* Enabling UA Infra: ESM service would provide security updates for following packages: libkrad0 1 esm-infra security update\(s\) NOT APPLIED. Renew your UA services at https:\/\/\/advantage """ @series.xenial @series.bionic @series.focal @uses.config.machine_type.lxd.container Scenario Outline: Attach command in a ubuntu lxd container -- @1.3 ubuntu release packages # features/attach_validtoken.feature:118 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I run `apt-get update` with sudo, retrying exit [100] # None And I run `apt-get install -y libkrad0=1.16-2build1` with sudo, retrying exit [100] # None And I run `run-parts /etc/update-motd.d/` with sudo # None Then if `bionic` in `xenial or bionic` and stdout matches regexp # None """ \d+ package(s)? can be updated. \d+ of these updates (is a|are) security update(s)?. """ Then if `bionic` in `focal` and stdout matches regexp # None """ \d+ update(s)? can be installed immediately. \d+ of these updates (is a|are) security update(s)?. """ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ UA Infra: ESM enabled """ And stdout matches regexp # None """ This machine is now attached to """ And stdout matches regexp # None """ SERVICE ENTITLED STATUS DESCRIPTION esm-infra +yes +enabled +UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips +yes +n/a +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates +yes +n/a +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch +yes +n/a +Canonical Livepatch service """ And stderr matches regexp # None """ Enabling default service esm-infra """ When I append the following on uaclient config # None """ features: allow_beta: true """ And I run `apt update` with sudo # None And I run `python3 /usr/lib/ubuntu-advantage/` with sudo # None And I run `apt install update-motd` with sudo, retrying exit [100] # None And I run `update-motd` with sudo # None Then if `bionic` in `focal` and stdout matches regexp # None """ \* Introducing Extended Security Maintenance for Applications. +Receive updates to over 30,000 software packages with your +Ubuntu Advantage subscription. Free for personal use. +https:\/\/\/esm UA (Infra:|Infrastructure) Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) is enabled. \d+ update(s)? can be installed immediately. \d+ of these updates (is|are) (fixed|provided) through UA (Infra:|Infrastructure) ESM. \d+ of these updates (is a|are) security update(s)?. To see these additional updates run: apt list --upgradable """ Then if `bionic` in `xenial or bionic` and stdout matches regexp # None """ \* Introducing Extended Security Maintenance for Applications. +Receive updates to over 30,000 software packages with your +Ubuntu Advantage subscription. Free for personal use. +https:\/\/\/esm UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) is enabled. \d+ package(s)? can be updated. \d+ of these updates (is a|are) security update(s)?. To see these additional updates run: apt list --upgradable """ When I update contract to use `effectiveTo` as `days=-20` # None And I run `python3 /usr/lib/ubuntu-advantage/` with sudo # None And I run `update-motd` with sudo # None Then if `bionic` in `xenial or bionic` and stdout matches regexp # None """ \*Your UA Infra: ESM subscription has EXPIRED\* \d+ additional security update\(s\) could have been applied via UA Infra: ESM. Renew your UA services at https:\/\/\/esm """ Then if `bionic` in `xenial` and stdout matches regexp # None """ Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. """ When I run `apt upgrade --dry-run` with sudo # None Then if `bionic` in `xenial` and stdout matches regexp # None """ \*Your UA Infra: ESM subscription has EXPIRED\* Enabling UA Infra: ESM service would provide security updates for following packages: libkrad0 1 esm-infra security update\(s\) NOT APPLIED. Renew your UA services at https:\/\/\/advantage """ @series.xenial @series.bionic @series.focal @uses.config.machine_type.lxd.container Scenario Outline: Attach command in a ubuntu lxd container -- @1.4 ubuntu release packages # features/attach_validtoken.feature:119 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I run `apt-get update` with sudo, retrying exit [100] # features/steps/ And I run `apt-get install -y hello=2.10-2ubuntu2` with sudo, retrying exit [100] # features/steps/ And I run `run-parts /etc/update-motd.d/` with sudo # features/steps/ Then if `focal` in `xenial or bionic` and stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ \d+ package(s)? can be updated. \d+ of these updates (is a|are) security update(s)?. """ Then if `focal` in `focal` and stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ \d+ update(s)? can be installed immediately. \d+ of these updates (is a|are) security update(s)?. """ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # features/steps/ Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ UA Infra: ESM enabled """ And stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ This machine is now attached to """ And stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ SERVICE ENTITLED STATUS DESCRIPTION esm-infra +yes +enabled +UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips +yes +n/a +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates +yes +n/a +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch +yes +n/a +Canonical Livepatch service """ And stderr matches regexp # features/steps/ """ Enabling default service esm-infra """ When I append the following on uaclient config # features/steps/ """ features: allow_beta: true """ And I run `apt update` with sudo # features/steps/ And I run `python3 /usr/lib/ubuntu-advantage/` with sudo # features/steps/ And I run `apt install update-motd` with sudo, retrying exit [100] # features/steps/ And I run `update-motd` with sudo # features/steps/ Then if `focal` in `focal` and stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ \* Introducing Extended Security Maintenance for Applications. +Receive updates to over 30,000 software packages with your +Ubuntu Advantage subscription. Free for personal use. +https:\/\/\/esm UA (Infra:|Infrastructure) Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) is enabled. \d+ update(s)? can be installed immediately. \d+ of these updates (is|are) (fixed|provided) through UA (Infra:|Infrastructure) ESM. \d+ of these updates (is a|are) security update(s)?. To see these additional updates run: apt list --upgradable """ Then if `focal` in `xenial or bionic` and stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ \* Introducing Extended Security Maintenance for Applications. +Receive updates to over 30,000 software packages with your +Ubuntu Advantage subscription. Free for personal use. +https:\/\/\/esm UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) is enabled. \d+ package(s)? can be updated. \d+ of these updates (is a|are) security update(s)?. To see these additional updates run: apt list --upgradable """ When I update contract to use `effectiveTo` as `days=-20` # features/steps/ And I run `python3 /usr/lib/ubuntu-advantage/` with sudo # features/steps/ And I run `update-motd` with sudo # features/steps/ Then if `focal` in `xenial or bionic` and stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ \*Your UA Infra: ESM subscription has EXPIRED\* \d+ additional security update\(s\) could have been applied via UA Infra: ESM. Renew your UA services at https:\/\/\/esm """ Then if `focal` in `xenial` and stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. """ When I run `apt upgrade --dry-run` with sudo # features/steps/ Then if `focal` in `xenial` and stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ \*Your UA Infra: ESM subscription has EXPIRED\* Enabling UA Infra: ESM service would provide security updates for following packages: libkrad0 1 esm-infra security update\(s\) NOT APPLIED. Renew your UA services at https:\/\/\/advantage """ SKIP Scenario Attach command in an generic AWS Ubuntu VM -- @1.1 ubuntu release livepatch status: Skipped: machine type lxd.container was not found in tags: aws.generic SKIP Scenario Attach command in an generic AWS Ubuntu VM -- @1.2 ubuntu release livepatch status: Skipped: machine type lxd.container was not found in tags: aws.generic SKIP Scenario Attach command in an generic AWS Ubuntu VM -- @1.3 ubuntu release livepatch status: Skipped: machine type lxd.container was not found in tags: aws.generic SKIP Scenario Attach command in an generic AWS Ubuntu VM -- @1.4 ubuntu release livepatch status: Skipped: machine type lxd.container was not found in tags: aws.generic SKIP Scenario Attach command in a ubuntu lxd container -- @1.1 ubuntu release livepatch status: Skipped: machine type lxd.container was not found in tags: azure.generic SKIP Scenario Attach command in a ubuntu lxd container -- @1.2 ubuntu release livepatch status: Skipped: machine type lxd.container was not found in tags: azure.generic SKIP Scenario Attach command in a ubuntu lxd container -- @1.3 ubuntu release livepatch status: Skipped: machine type lxd.container was not found in tags: azure.generic SKIP Scenario Attach command in a ubuntu lxd container -- @1.4 ubuntu release livepatch status: Skipped: machine type lxd.container was not found in tags: azure.generic SKIP Scenario Attach command in a ubuntu lxd container -- @1.1 ubuntu release livepatch status: Skipped: machine type lxd.container was not found in tags: gcp.generic SKIP Scenario Attach command in a ubuntu lxd container -- @1.2 ubuntu release livepatch status: Skipped: machine type lxd.container was not found in tags: gcp.generic SKIP Scenario Attach command in a ubuntu lxd container -- @1.3 ubuntu release livepatch status: Skipped: machine type lxd.container was not found in tags: gcp.generic SKIP Scenario Attach command in a ubuntu lxd container -- @1.4 ubuntu release livepatch status: Skipped: machine type lxd.container was not found in tags: gcp.generic @uses.config.contract_token Feature: Command behaviour when attached to an UA subscription # features/attached_commands.feature:2 @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached refresh in a ubuntu machine -- @1.1 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:21 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua refresh` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And stderr matches regexp # None """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ When I run `ua refresh` with sudo # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ Successfully refreshed your subscription. """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached refresh in a ubuntu machine -- @1.2 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:22 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # features/steps/ Then I verify that running `ua refresh` `as non-root` exits `1` # features/steps/ And stderr matches regexp # features/steps/ """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ When I run `ua refresh` with sudo # features/steps/ Then I will see the following on stdout # features/steps/ """ Successfully refreshed your subscription. """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached refresh in a ubuntu machine -- @1.3 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:23 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua refresh` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And stderr matches regexp # None """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ When I run `ua refresh` with sudo # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ Successfully refreshed your subscription. """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached refresh in a ubuntu machine -- @1.4 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:24 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua refresh` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And stderr matches regexp # None """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ When I run `ua refresh` with sudo # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ Successfully refreshed your subscription. """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached disable of an already disabled service in a ubuntu machine -- @1.1 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:44 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua disable livepatch` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And stderr matches regexp # None """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ And I verify that running `ua disable livepatch` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ Livepatch is not currently enabled See: sudo ua status """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached disable of an already disabled service in a ubuntu machine -- @1.2 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:45 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # features/steps/ Then I verify that running `ua disable livepatch` `as non-root` exits `1` # features/steps/ And stderr matches regexp # features/steps/ """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ And I verify that running `ua disable livepatch` `with sudo` exits `1` # features/steps/ And I will see the following on stdout # features/steps/ """ Livepatch is not currently enabled See: sudo ua status """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached disable of an already disabled service in a ubuntu machine -- @1.3 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:46 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua disable livepatch` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And stderr matches regexp # None """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ And I verify that running `ua disable livepatch` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ Livepatch is not currently enabled See: sudo ua status """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached disable of an already disabled service in a ubuntu machine -- @1.4 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:47 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua disable livepatch` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And stderr matches regexp # None """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ And I verify that running `ua disable livepatch` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ Livepatch is not currently enabled See: sudo ua status """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached disable of a service in a ubuntu machine -- @1.1 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:83 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua disable foobar` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And stderr matches regexp # None """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ And I verify that running `ua disable foobar` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And stderr matches regexp # None """ Cannot disable unknown service 'foobar'. Try cc-eal, cis, esm-apps, esm-infra, fips, fips-updates, livepatch. """ And I verify that running `ua disable esm-infra` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And stderr matches regexp # None """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ When I run `ua disable esm-infra` with sudo # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ Updating package lists """ When I run `ua status` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ esm-infra +yes +disabled +UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) """ And I verify that running `apt update` `with sudo` exits `0` # None @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached disable of a service in a ubuntu machine -- @1.2 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:84 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # features/steps/ Then I verify that running `ua disable foobar` `as non-root` exits `1` # features/steps/ And stderr matches regexp # features/steps/ """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ And I verify that running `ua disable foobar` `with sudo` exits `1` # features/steps/ And stderr matches regexp # features/steps/ """ Cannot disable unknown service 'foobar'. Try cc-eal, cis, esm-apps, esm-infra, fips, fips-updates, livepatch. """ And I verify that running `ua disable esm-infra` `as non-root` exits `1` # features/steps/ And stderr matches regexp # features/steps/ """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ When I run `ua disable esm-infra` with sudo # features/steps/ Then I will see the following on stdout # features/steps/ """ Updating package lists """ When I run `ua status` with sudo # features/steps/ Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ esm-infra +yes +disabled +UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) """ And I verify that running `apt update` `with sudo` exits `0` # features/steps/ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached disable of a service in a ubuntu machine -- @1.3 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:85 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua disable foobar` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And stderr matches regexp # None """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ And I verify that running `ua disable foobar` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And stderr matches regexp # None """ Cannot disable unknown service 'foobar'. Try cc-eal, cis, esm-apps, esm-infra, fips, fips-updates, livepatch. """ And I verify that running `ua disable esm-infra` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And stderr matches regexp # None """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ When I run `ua disable esm-infra` with sudo # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ Updating package lists """ When I run `ua status` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ esm-infra +yes +disabled +UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) """ And I verify that running `apt update` `with sudo` exits `0` # None @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached detach in a trusty machine -- @1.1 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:124 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua detach` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And stderr matches regexp # None """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ When I run `ua detach --assume-yes` with sudo # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ Detach will disable the following service: esm-infra Updating package lists This machine is now detached. """ When I run `ua status --all` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ SERVICE AVAILABLE DESCRIPTION cc-eal +no +Common Criteria EAL2 Provisioning Packages cis +yes +Center for Internet Security Audit Tools esm-apps +yes +UA Apps: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) esm-infra +yes +UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips +yes +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates +yes +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch +yes +Canonical Livepatch service """ And stdout matches regexp # None """ This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. """ And I verify that running `apt update` `with sudo` exits `0` # None @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached detach in a trusty machine -- @1.2 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:125 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # features/steps/ Then I verify that running `ua detach` `as non-root` exits `1` # features/steps/ And stderr matches regexp # features/steps/ """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ When I run `ua detach --assume-yes` with sudo # features/steps/ Then I will see the following on stdout # features/steps/ """ Detach will disable the following service: esm-infra Updating package lists This machine is now detached. """ When I run `ua status --all` as non-root # features/steps/ Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ SERVICE AVAILABLE DESCRIPTION cc-eal +no +Common Criteria EAL2 Provisioning Packages cis +no +Center for Internet Security Audit Tools esm-apps +yes +UA Apps: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) esm-infra +yes +UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips +no +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates +no +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch +yes +Canonical Livepatch service """ And stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. """ And I verify that running `apt update` `with sudo` exits `0` # features/steps/ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached detach in a trusty machine -- @1.3 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:126 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua detach` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And stderr matches regexp # None """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ When I run `ua detach --assume-yes` with sudo # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ Detach will disable the following service: esm-infra Updating package lists This machine is now detached. """ When I run `ua status --all` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ SERVICE AVAILABLE DESCRIPTION cc-eal +no +Common Criteria EAL2 Provisioning Packages cis +no +Center for Internet Security Audit Tools esm-apps +no +UA Apps: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) esm-infra +yes +UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips +no +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates +no +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch +yes +Canonical Livepatch service """ And stdout matches regexp # None """ This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. """ And I verify that running `apt update` `with sudo` exits `0` # None @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached detach in a trusty machine -- @1.4 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:127 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua detach` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And stderr matches regexp # None """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ When I run `ua detach --assume-yes` with sudo # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ Detach will disable the following service: esm-infra Updating package lists This machine is now detached. """ When I run `ua status --all` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ SERVICE AVAILABLE DESCRIPTION cc-eal +yes +Common Criteria EAL2 Provisioning Packages cis +yes +Center for Internet Security Audit Tools esm-apps +yes +UA Apps: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) esm-infra +yes +UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips +yes +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates +yes +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch +yes +Canonical Livepatch service """ And stdout matches regexp # None """ This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. """ And I verify that running `apt update` `with sudo` exits `0` # None @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached auto-attach in a ubuntu machine -- @1.1 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:146 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua auto-attach` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And stderr matches regexp # None """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ When I run `ua auto-attach` with sudo # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ This machine is already attached """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached auto-attach in a ubuntu machine -- @1.2 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:147 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # features/steps/ Then I verify that running `ua auto-attach` `as non-root` exits `1` # features/steps/ And stderr matches regexp # features/steps/ """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ When I run `ua auto-attach` with sudo # features/steps/ Then stderr matches regexp # features/steps/ """ This machine is already attached """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached auto-attach in a ubuntu machine -- @1.3 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:148 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua auto-attach` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And stderr matches regexp # None """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ When I run `ua auto-attach` with sudo # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ This machine is already attached """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached auto-attach in a ubuntu machine -- @1.4 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:149 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua auto-attach` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And stderr matches regexp # None """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ When I run `ua auto-attach` with sudo # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ This machine is already attached """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached show version in a ubuntu machine -- @1.1 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:166 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None And I run `ua version` as non-root # None Then I will see the uaclient version on stdout # None When I run `ua version` with sudo # None Then I will see the uaclient version on stdout # None When I run `ua --version` as non-root # None Then I will see the uaclient version on stdout # None When I run `ua --version` with sudo # None Then I will see the uaclient version on stdout # None @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached show version in a ubuntu machine -- @1.2 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:167 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # features/steps/ And I run `ua version` as non-root # features/steps/ Then I will see the uaclient version on stdout # features/steps/ When I run `ua version` with sudo # features/steps/ Then I will see the uaclient version on stdout # features/steps/ When I run `ua --version` as non-root # features/steps/ Then I will see the uaclient version on stdout # features/steps/ When I run `ua --version` with sudo # features/steps/ Then I will see the uaclient version on stdout # features/steps/ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached show version in a ubuntu machine -- @1.3 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:168 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None And I run `ua version` as non-root # None Then I will see the uaclient version on stdout # None When I run `ua version` with sudo # None Then I will see the uaclient version on stdout # None When I run `ua --version` as non-root # None Then I will see the uaclient version on stdout # None When I run `ua --version` with sudo # None Then I will see the uaclient version on stdout # None @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached show version in a ubuntu machine -- @1.4 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:169 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None And I run `ua version` as non-root # None Then I will see the uaclient version on stdout # None When I run `ua version` with sudo # None Then I will see the uaclient version on stdout # None When I run `ua --version` as non-root # None Then I will see the uaclient version on stdout # None When I run `ua --version` with sudo # None Then I will see the uaclient version on stdout # None @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached status in a ubuntu machine with feature overrides -- @1.1 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:215 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I create the file `/tmp/machine-token-overlay.json` with the following # None """ { "machineTokenInfo": { "contractInfo": { "resourceEntitlements": [ { "type": "cc-eal", "entitled": false } ] } } } """ And I append the following on uaclient config # None """ features: machine_token_overlay: "/tmp/machine-token-overlay.json" disable_auto_attach: true other: false """ And I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None And I run `ua status --all` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ SERVICE ENTITLED STATUS DESCRIPTION cc-eal no """ When I run `ua --version` as non-root # None Then I will see the uaclient version on stdout with features ` +disable_auto_attach +machine_token_overlay -other` # None When I run `ua version` as non-root # None Then I will see the uaclient version on stdout with features ` +disable_auto_attach +machine_token_overlay -other` # None When I run `ua auto-attach` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ Skipping auto-attach. Config disable_auto_attach is set. """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached status in a ubuntu machine with feature overrides -- @1.2 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:216 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I create the file `/tmp/machine-token-overlay.json` with the following # features/steps/ """ { "machineTokenInfo": { "contractInfo": { "resourceEntitlements": [ { "type": "cc-eal", "entitled": false } ] } } } """ And I append the following on uaclient config # features/steps/ """ features: machine_token_overlay: "/tmp/machine-token-overlay.json" disable_auto_attach: true other: false """ And I attach `contract_token` with sudo # features/steps/ And I run `ua status --all` with sudo # features/steps/ Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ SERVICE ENTITLED STATUS DESCRIPTION cc-eal no """ When I run `ua --version` as non-root # features/steps/ Then I will see the uaclient version on stdout with features ` +disable_auto_attach +machine_token_overlay -other` # features/steps/ When I run `ua version` as non-root # features/steps/ Then I will see the uaclient version on stdout with features ` +disable_auto_attach +machine_token_overlay -other` # features/steps/ When I run `ua auto-attach` with sudo # features/steps/ Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ Skipping auto-attach. Config disable_auto_attach is set. """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached status in a ubuntu machine with feature overrides -- @1.3 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:217 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I create the file `/tmp/machine-token-overlay.json` with the following # None """ { "machineTokenInfo": { "contractInfo": { "resourceEntitlements": [ { "type": "cc-eal", "entitled": false } ] } } } """ And I append the following on uaclient config # None """ features: machine_token_overlay: "/tmp/machine-token-overlay.json" disable_auto_attach: true other: false """ And I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None And I run `ua status --all` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ SERVICE ENTITLED STATUS DESCRIPTION cc-eal no """ When I run `ua --version` as non-root # None Then I will see the uaclient version on stdout with features ` +disable_auto_attach +machine_token_overlay -other` # None When I run `ua version` as non-root # None Then I will see the uaclient version on stdout with features ` +disable_auto_attach +machine_token_overlay -other` # None When I run `ua auto-attach` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ Skipping auto-attach. Config disable_auto_attach is set. """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached status in a ubuntu machine with feature overrides -- @1.4 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:218 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I create the file `/tmp/machine-token-overlay.json` with the following # None """ { "machineTokenInfo": { "contractInfo": { "resourceEntitlements": [ { "type": "cc-eal", "entitled": false } ] } } } """ And I append the following on uaclient config # None """ features: machine_token_overlay: "/tmp/machine-token-overlay.json" disable_auto_attach: true other: false """ And I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None And I run `ua status --all` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ SERVICE ENTITLED STATUS DESCRIPTION cc-eal no """ When I run `ua --version` as non-root # None Then I will see the uaclient version on stdout with features ` +disable_auto_attach +machine_token_overlay -other` # None When I run `ua version` as non-root # None Then I will see the uaclient version on stdout with features ` +disable_auto_attach +machine_token_overlay -other` # None When I run `ua auto-attach` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ Skipping auto-attach. Config disable_auto_attach is set. """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached disable of different services in a ubuntu machine -- @1.1 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:249 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua disable esm-infra livepatch foobar` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And stderr matches regexp # None """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\) """ And I verify that running `ua disable esm-infra livepatch foobar` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ Updating package lists Livepatch is not currently enabled See: sudo ua status """ And stderr matches regexp # None """ Cannot disable unknown service 'foobar'. Try cc-eal, cis, esm-apps, esm-infra, fips, fips-updates, livepatch. """ When I run `ua status` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ esm-infra +yes +disabled +UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached disable of different services in a ubuntu machine -- @1.2 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:250 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # features/steps/ Then I verify that running `ua disable esm-infra livepatch foobar` `as non-root` exits `1` # features/steps/ And stderr matches regexp # features/steps/ """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\) """ And I verify that running `ua disable esm-infra livepatch foobar` `with sudo` exits `1` # features/steps/ And I will see the following on stdout # features/steps/ """ Updating package lists Livepatch is not currently enabled See: sudo ua status """ And stderr matches regexp # features/steps/ """ Cannot disable unknown service 'foobar'. Try cc-eal, cis, esm-apps, esm-infra, fips, fips-updates, livepatch. """ When I run `ua status` with sudo # features/steps/ Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ esm-infra +yes +disabled +UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached disable of different services in a ubuntu machine -- @1.3 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:251 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua disable esm-infra livepatch foobar` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And stderr matches regexp # None """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\) """ And I verify that running `ua disable esm-infra livepatch foobar` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ Updating package lists Livepatch is not currently enabled See: sudo ua status """ And stderr matches regexp # None """ Cannot disable unknown service 'foobar'. Try cc-eal, cis, esm-apps, esm-infra, fips, fips-updates, livepatch. """ When I run `ua status` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ esm-infra +yes +disabled +UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached disable of different services in a ubuntu machine -- @1.4 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:252 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua disable esm-infra livepatch foobar` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And stderr matches regexp # None """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\) """ And I verify that running `ua disable esm-infra livepatch foobar` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ Updating package lists Livepatch is not currently enabled See: sudo ua status """ And stderr matches regexp # None """ Cannot disable unknown service 'foobar'. Try cc-eal, cis, esm-apps, esm-infra, fips, fips-updates, livepatch. """ When I run `ua status` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ esm-infra +yes +disabled +UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Help command on an attached machine -- @1.1 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:378 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None And I run `ua help esm-infra` with sudo # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ Name: esm-infra Entitled: yes Status: enabled Help: esm-infra provides access to a private ppa which includes available high and critical CVE fixes for Ubuntu LTS packages in the Ubuntu Main repository between the end of the standard Ubuntu LTS security maintenance and its end of life. It is enabled by default with Extended Security Maintenance (ESM) for UA Apps and UA Infra. You can find our more about the esm service at """ When I run `ua help esm-infra --format json` with sudo # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ {"name": "esm-infra", "entitled": "yes", "status": "enabled", "help": "esm-infra provides access to a private ppa which includes available high\nand critical CVE fixes for Ubuntu LTS packages in the Ubuntu Main\nrepository between the end of the standard Ubuntu LTS security\nmaintenance and its end of life. It is enabled by default with\nExtended Security Maintenance (ESM) for UA Apps and UA Infra.\nYou can find our more about the esm service at\n\n"} """ And I verify that running `ua help invalid-service` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stderr # None """ No help available for 'invalid-service' """ When I run `ua --help` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ Client to manage Ubuntu Advantage services on a machine. - esm-infra: UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) \(\) - fips-updates: Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules \(\) - fips: NIST-certified FIPS modules \(\) - livepatch: Canonical Livepatch service \(\) """ When I run `ua help` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ Client to manage Ubuntu Advantage services on a machine. - esm-infra: UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) \(\) - fips-updates: Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules \(\) - fips: NIST-certified FIPS modules \(\) - livepatch: Canonical Livepatch service \(\) """ When I run `ua help --all` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ Client to manage Ubuntu Advantage services on a machine. - cc-eal: Common Criteria EAL2 Provisioning Packages \(\) - cis: Center for Internet Security Audit Tools \(\) - esm-apps: UA Apps: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) \(\) - esm-infra: UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) \(\) - fips-updates: Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules \(\) - fips: NIST-certified FIPS modules \(\) - livepatch: Canonical Livepatch service \(\) """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Help command on an attached machine -- @1.2 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:379 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # features/steps/ And I run `ua help esm-infra` with sudo # features/steps/ Then I will see the following on stdout # features/steps/ """ Name: esm-infra Entitled: yes Status: enabled Help: esm-infra provides access to a private ppa which includes available high and critical CVE fixes for Ubuntu LTS packages in the Ubuntu Main repository between the end of the standard Ubuntu LTS security maintenance and its end of life. It is enabled by default with Extended Security Maintenance (ESM) for UA Apps and UA Infra. You can find our more about the esm service at """ When I run `ua help esm-infra --format json` with sudo # features/steps/ Then I will see the following on stdout # features/steps/ """ {"name": "esm-infra", "entitled": "yes", "status": "enabled", "help": "esm-infra provides access to a private ppa which includes available high\nand critical CVE fixes for Ubuntu LTS packages in the Ubuntu Main\nrepository between the end of the standard Ubuntu LTS security\nmaintenance and its end of life. It is enabled by default with\nExtended Security Maintenance (ESM) for UA Apps and UA Infra.\nYou can find our more about the esm service at\n\n"} """ And I verify that running `ua help invalid-service` `with sudo` exits `1` # features/steps/ And I will see the following on stderr # features/steps/ """ No help available for 'invalid-service' """ When I run `ua --help` as non-root # features/steps/ Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ Client to manage Ubuntu Advantage services on a machine. - esm-infra: UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) \(\) - fips-updates: Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules \(\) - fips: NIST-certified FIPS modules \(\) - livepatch: Canonical Livepatch service \(\) """ When I run `ua help` as non-root # features/steps/ Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ Client to manage Ubuntu Advantage services on a machine. - esm-infra: UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) \(\) - fips-updates: Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules \(\) - fips: NIST-certified FIPS modules \(\) - livepatch: Canonical Livepatch service \(\) """ When I run `ua help --all` as non-root # features/steps/ Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ Client to manage Ubuntu Advantage services on a machine. - cc-eal: Common Criteria EAL2 Provisioning Packages \(\) - cis: Center for Internet Security Audit Tools \(\) - esm-apps: UA Apps: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) \(\) - esm-infra: UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) \(\) - fips-updates: Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules \(\) - fips: NIST-certified FIPS modules \(\) - livepatch: Canonical Livepatch service \(\) """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Help command on an attached machine -- @1.3 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:380 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None And I run `ua help esm-infra` with sudo # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ Name: esm-infra Entitled: yes Status: enabled Help: esm-infra provides access to a private ppa which includes available high and critical CVE fixes for Ubuntu LTS packages in the Ubuntu Main repository between the end of the standard Ubuntu LTS security maintenance and its end of life. It is enabled by default with Extended Security Maintenance (ESM) for UA Apps and UA Infra. You can find our more about the esm service at """ When I run `ua help esm-infra --format json` with sudo # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ {"name": "esm-infra", "entitled": "yes", "status": "enabled", "help": "esm-infra provides access to a private ppa which includes available high\nand critical CVE fixes for Ubuntu LTS packages in the Ubuntu Main\nrepository between the end of the standard Ubuntu LTS security\nmaintenance and its end of life. It is enabled by default with\nExtended Security Maintenance (ESM) for UA Apps and UA Infra.\nYou can find our more about the esm service at\n\n"} """ And I verify that running `ua help invalid-service` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stderr # None """ No help available for 'invalid-service' """ When I run `ua --help` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ Client to manage Ubuntu Advantage services on a machine. - esm-infra: UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) \(\) - fips-updates: Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules \(\) - fips: NIST-certified FIPS modules \(\) - livepatch: Canonical Livepatch service \(\) """ When I run `ua help` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ Client to manage Ubuntu Advantage services on a machine. - esm-infra: UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) \(\) - fips-updates: Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules \(\) - fips: NIST-certified FIPS modules \(\) - livepatch: Canonical Livepatch service \(\) """ When I run `ua help --all` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ Client to manage Ubuntu Advantage services on a machine. - cc-eal: Common Criteria EAL2 Provisioning Packages \(\) - cis: Center for Internet Security Audit Tools \(\) - esm-apps: UA Apps: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) \(\) - esm-infra: UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) \(\) - fips-updates: Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules \(\) - fips: NIST-certified FIPS modules \(\) - livepatch: Canonical Livepatch service \(\) """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Help command on an attached machine -- @1.4 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:381 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None And I run `ua help esm-infra` with sudo # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ Name: esm-infra Entitled: yes Status: enabled Help: esm-infra provides access to a private ppa which includes available high and critical CVE fixes for Ubuntu LTS packages in the Ubuntu Main repository between the end of the standard Ubuntu LTS security maintenance and its end of life. It is enabled by default with Extended Security Maintenance (ESM) for UA Apps and UA Infra. You can find our more about the esm service at """ When I run `ua help esm-infra --format json` with sudo # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ {"name": "esm-infra", "entitled": "yes", "status": "enabled", "help": "esm-infra provides access to a private ppa which includes available high\nand critical CVE fixes for Ubuntu LTS packages in the Ubuntu Main\nrepository between the end of the standard Ubuntu LTS security\nmaintenance and its end of life. It is enabled by default with\nExtended Security Maintenance (ESM) for UA Apps and UA Infra.\nYou can find our more about the esm service at\n\n"} """ And I verify that running `ua help invalid-service` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stderr # None """ No help available for 'invalid-service' """ When I run `ua --help` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ Client to manage Ubuntu Advantage services on a machine. - esm-infra: UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) \(\) - fips-updates: Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules \(\) - fips: NIST-certified FIPS modules \(\) - livepatch: Canonical Livepatch service \(\) """ When I run `ua help` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ Client to manage Ubuntu Advantage services on a machine. - esm-infra: UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) \(\) - fips-updates: Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules \(\) - fips: NIST-certified FIPS modules \(\) - livepatch: Canonical Livepatch service \(\) """ When I run `ua help --all` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ Client to manage Ubuntu Advantage services on a machine. - cc-eal: Common Criteria EAL2 Provisioning Packages \(\) - cis: Center for Internet Security Audit Tools \(\) - esm-apps: UA Apps: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) \(\) - esm-infra: UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) \(\) - fips-updates: Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules \(\) - fips: NIST-certified FIPS modules \(\) - livepatch: Canonical Livepatch service \(\) """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Purge package after attaching it to a machine -- @1.1 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:408 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None And I run `touch /etc/apt/preferences.d/ubuntu-esm-infra` with sudo # None Then I verify that files exist matching `/var/log/ubuntu-advantage.log` # None And I verify that running `test -d /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage` `with sudo` exits `0` # None And I verify that files exist matching `/etc/apt/auth.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage` # None And I verify that files exist matching `/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ubuntu-advantage-esm-infra-trusty.gpg` # None And I verify that files exist matching `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-esm-infra.list` # None And I verify that files exist matching `/etc/apt/preferences.d/ubuntu-esm-infra` # None When I run `apt-get purge ubuntu-advantage-tools -y` with sudo, retrying exit [100] # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ Purging configuration files for ubuntu-advantage-tools """ And I verify that no files exist matching `/var/log/ubuntu-advantage.log` # None And I verify that no files exist matching `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage` # None And I verify that no files exist matching `/etc/apt/auth.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage` # None And I verify that no files exist matching `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-*` # None And I verify that no files exist matching `/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ubuntu-advantage-*` # None And I verify that no files exist matching `/etc/apt/preferences.d/ubuntu-*` # None @series.all Scenario Outline: Purge package after attaching it to a machine -- @1.2 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:409 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # features/steps/ And I run `touch /etc/apt/preferences.d/ubuntu-esm-infra` with sudo # features/steps/ Then I verify that files exist matching `/var/log/ubuntu-advantage.log` # features/steps/ And I verify that running `test -d /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage` `with sudo` exits `0` # features/steps/ And I verify that files exist matching `/etc/apt/auth.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage` # features/steps/ And I verify that files exist matching `/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ubuntu-advantage-esm-infra-trusty.gpg` # features/steps/ And I verify that files exist matching `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-esm-infra.list` # features/steps/ And I verify that files exist matching `/etc/apt/preferences.d/ubuntu-esm-infra` # features/steps/ When I run `apt-get purge ubuntu-advantage-tools -y` with sudo, retrying exit [100] # features/steps/ Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ Purging configuration files for ubuntu-advantage-tools """ And I verify that no files exist matching `/var/log/ubuntu-advantage.log` # features/steps/ And I verify that no files exist matching `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage` # features/steps/ And I verify that no files exist matching `/etc/apt/auth.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage` # features/steps/ And I verify that no files exist matching `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-*` # features/steps/ And I verify that no files exist matching `/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ubuntu-advantage-*` # features/steps/ And I verify that no files exist matching `/etc/apt/preferences.d/ubuntu-*` # features/steps/ @series.all Scenario Outline: Purge package after attaching it to a machine -- @1.3 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:410 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None And I run `touch /etc/apt/preferences.d/ubuntu-esm-infra` with sudo # None Then I verify that files exist matching `/var/log/ubuntu-advantage.log` # None And I verify that running `test -d /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage` `with sudo` exits `0` # None And I verify that files exist matching `/etc/apt/auth.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage` # None And I verify that files exist matching `/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ubuntu-advantage-esm-infra-trusty.gpg` # None And I verify that files exist matching `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-esm-infra.list` # None And I verify that files exist matching `/etc/apt/preferences.d/ubuntu-esm-infra` # None When I run `apt-get purge ubuntu-advantage-tools -y` with sudo, retrying exit [100] # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ Purging configuration files for ubuntu-advantage-tools """ And I verify that no files exist matching `/var/log/ubuntu-advantage.log` # None And I verify that no files exist matching `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage` # None And I verify that no files exist matching `/etc/apt/auth.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage` # None And I verify that no files exist matching `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-*` # None And I verify that no files exist matching `/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ubuntu-advantage-*` # None And I verify that no files exist matching `/etc/apt/preferences.d/ubuntu-*` # None @series.all Scenario Outline: Purge package after attaching it to a machine -- @1.4 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:411 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None And I run `touch /etc/apt/preferences.d/ubuntu-esm-infra` with sudo # None Then I verify that files exist matching `/var/log/ubuntu-advantage.log` # None And I verify that running `test -d /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage` `with sudo` exits `0` # None And I verify that files exist matching `/etc/apt/auth.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage` # None And I verify that files exist matching `/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ubuntu-advantage-esm-infra-trusty.gpg` # None And I verify that files exist matching `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-esm-infra.list` # None And I verify that files exist matching `/etc/apt/preferences.d/ubuntu-esm-infra` # None When I run `apt-get purge ubuntu-advantage-tools -y` with sudo, retrying exit [100] # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ Purging configuration files for ubuntu-advantage-tools """ And I verify that no files exist matching `/var/log/ubuntu-advantage.log` # None And I verify that no files exist matching `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage` # None And I verify that no files exist matching `/etc/apt/auth.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage` # None And I verify that no files exist matching `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-*` # None And I verify that no files exist matching `/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ubuntu-advantage-*` # None And I verify that no files exist matching `/etc/apt/preferences.d/ubuntu-*` # None @series.all Scenario Outline: Enable command with invalid repositories in user machine -- @1.1 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:433 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None And I run `ua disable esm-infra` with sudo # None And I run `add-apt-repository ppa:ua-client/staging -y` with sudo, retrying exit [1] # None And I run `apt update` with sudo # None And I run `sed -i 's/ubuntu/ubun/' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ua-client-staging-trusty.list` with sudo # None And I run `ua enable esm-infra` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first Updating package lists APT update failed. APT update failed to read APT config for the following URL: - """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Enable command with invalid repositories in user machine -- @1.2 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:434 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None And I run `ua disable esm-infra` with sudo # None And I run `add-apt-repository ppa:ua-client/staging -y` with sudo, retrying exit [1] # None And I run `apt update` with sudo # None And I run `sed -i 's/ubuntu/ubun/' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ua-client-ubuntu-staging-xenial.list` with sudo # None And I run `ua enable esm-infra` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first Updating package lists APT update failed. APT update failed to read APT config for the following URL: - """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Enable command with invalid repositories in user machine -- @1.3 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:435 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None And I run `ua disable esm-infra` with sudo # None And I run `add-apt-repository ppa:ua-client/staging -y` with sudo, retrying exit [1] # None And I run `apt update` with sudo # None And I run `sed -i 's/ubuntu/ubun/' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ua-client-ubuntu-staging-bionic.list` with sudo # None And I run `ua enable esm-infra` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first Updating package lists APT update failed. APT update failed to read APT config for the following URL: - """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Enable command with invalid repositories in user machine -- @1.4 ubuntu release # features/attached_commands.feature:436 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # features/steps/ And I run `ua disable esm-infra` with sudo # features/steps/ And I run `add-apt-repository ppa:ua-client/staging -y` with sudo, retrying exit [1] # features/steps/ And I run `apt update` with sudo # features/steps/ And I run `sed -i 's/ubuntu/ubun/' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ua-client-ubuntu-staging-focal.list` with sudo # features/steps/ And I run `ua enable esm-infra` with sudo # features/steps/ Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ One moment, checking your subscription first Updating package lists APT update failed. APT update failed to read APT config for the following URL: - """ Assertion Failed: Expected: a string matching 'One moment, checking your subscription first Updating package lists APT update failed. APT update failed to read APT config for the following URL: -' but: was 'One moment, checking your subscription first\nUpdating package lists\nUA Infra: ESM enabled' Captured stdout: --- Launching Lxd Container image local:ubuntu-behave-image-build--focal1619713492718323-snapshot(focal) ['lxc', 'init', 'local:ubuntu-behave-image-build--focal1619713492718323-snapshot', 'ubuntu-behave-test-focal-1619714131773066', '--config', 'user.meta-data=public-keys: ssh-rsa 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'] --- lxd-container instance launched: ubuntu-behave-test-focal-1619714131773066. Waiting for ssh access --- cloud-init succeeded --- instance ip: -- pull instance:/etc/ubuntu-advantage/uaclient.log artifacts/attached_commands.feature_422/uaclient.log -- pull instance:/var/log/cloud-init.log artifacts/attached_commands.feature_422/cloud-init.log -- pull instance:/var/log/ubuntu-advantage.log artifacts/attached_commands.feature_422/ubuntu-advantage.log -- pull instance:/var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt artifacts/attached_commands.feature_422/user-data.txt -- pull instance:/var/lib/cloud/instance/vendor-data.txt artifacts/attached_commands.feature_422/vendor-data.txt Captured logging: INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: sh -c whoami INFO:pycloudlib.instance:[Errno None] Unable to connect to port 22 on Retrying SSH connection to ubuntu@ (598s left) INFO:paramiko.transport:Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_8.2p1) INFO:paramiko.transport:Authentication (publickey) successful! INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: sh -c 'cloud-init status --help' INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: cloud-init status --wait --long INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: sh -c whoami INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: sh -c 'cloud-init status --help' INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: cloud-init status --wait --long INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: cloud-init status --wait --long WARNING:root:--- instance ip: INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: sudo ua attach C1476bbuzT2DyJToyKAQNUdykpnjg7 INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: sudo ua disable esm-infra INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ua-client/staging -y INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: sudo apt update INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: sudo sed -i s/ubuntu/ubun/ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ua-client-ubuntu-staging-focal.list INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: sudo ua enable esm-infra INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: sudo -- cat /etc/ubuntu-advantage/uaclient.log INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: sudo -- cat /var/log/cloud-init.log INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: sudo -- cat /var/log/ubuntu-advantage.log INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: sudo -- cat /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: sudo -- cat /var/lib/cloud/instance/vendor-data.txt INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: sudo -- ua version INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: sudo -- cloud-init analyze show INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: sudo -- cloud-init status --long INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: sudo -- ua status --all --format=json INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: sudo -- journalctl -b 0 INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: sudo -- systemd-analyze blame INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: sudo -- systemctl status INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: sudo -- systemctl status ua-auto-attach.service INFO:pycloudlib.instance:executing: sudo -- systemctl status ua-reboot-cmds.service @uses.config.contract_token Feature: Enable command behaviour when attached to an UA subscription # features/attached_enable.feature:2 @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached enable Common Criteria service in a ubuntu machine -- @1.1 ubuntu release # features/attached_enable.feature:32 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua enable cc-eal` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ And I verify that running `ua enable cc-eal --beta` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first CC EAL2 is not available for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver). """ And I verify that running `ua enable cc-eal` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first """ And stderr matches regexp # None """ Cannot enable unknown service 'cc-eal'. Try esm-infra, fips, fips-updates, livepatch. """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached enable Common Criteria service in a ubuntu machine -- @1.2 ubuntu release # features/attached_enable.feature:33 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # features/steps/ Then I verify that running `ua enable cc-eal` `as non-root` exits `1` # features/steps/ And I will see the following on stderr # features/steps/ """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ And I verify that running `ua enable cc-eal --beta` `with sudo` exits `1` # features/steps/ And I will see the following on stdout # features/steps/ """ One moment, checking your subscription first CC EAL2 is not available for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa). """ And I verify that running `ua enable cc-eal` `with sudo` exits `1` # features/steps/ And I will see the following on stdout # features/steps/ """ One moment, checking your subscription first """ And stderr matches regexp # features/steps/ """ Cannot enable unknown service 'cc-eal'. Try esm-infra, fips, fips-updates, livepatch. """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached enable Common Criteria service in a ubuntu machine -- @1.3 ubuntu release # features/attached_enable.feature:34 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua enable cc-eal` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ And I verify that running `ua enable cc-eal --beta` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first CC EAL2 is not available for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr). """ And I verify that running `ua enable cc-eal` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first """ And stderr matches regexp # None """ Cannot enable unknown service 'cc-eal'. Try esm-infra, fips, fips-updates, livepatch. """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached enable of a service in a ubuntu machine -- @1.1 ubuntu release # features/attached_enable.feature:88 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua enable foobar` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ And I verify that running `ua enable foobar` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first """ And stderr matches regexp # None """ Cannot enable unknown service 'foobar'. Try esm-infra, fips, fips-updates, livepatch. """ And I verify that running `ua enable cc-eal foobar` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first """ And stderr matches regexp # None """ Cannot enable unknown service 'foobar, cc-eal'. Try esm-infra, fips, fips-updates, livepatch. """ And I verify that running `ua enable esm-infra` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first UA Infra: ESM is already enabled. See: sudo ua status """ When I run `apt-cache policy` with sudo # None Then apt-cache policy for the following url has permission `500` # None """ bionic-infra-updates/main amd64 Packages """ And I verify that running `apt update` `with sudo` exits `0` # None When I run `apt install -y libkrad0` with sudo, retrying exit [100] # None And I run `apt-cache policy libkrad0` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ \s*500 bionic-infra-security/main amd64 Packages \s*500 bionic-infra-updates/main amd64 Packages """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached enable of a service in a ubuntu machine -- @1.2 ubuntu release # features/attached_enable.feature:89 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # features/steps/ Then I verify that running `ua enable foobar` `as non-root` exits `1` # features/steps/ And I will see the following on stderr # features/steps/ """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ And I verify that running `ua enable foobar` `with sudo` exits `1` # features/steps/ And I will see the following on stdout # features/steps/ """ One moment, checking your subscription first """ And stderr matches regexp # features/steps/ """ Cannot enable unknown service 'foobar'. Try esm-infra, fips, fips-updates, livepatch. """ And I verify that running `ua enable cc-eal foobar` `with sudo` exits `1` # features/steps/ And I will see the following on stdout # features/steps/ """ One moment, checking your subscription first """ And stderr matches regexp # features/steps/ """ Cannot enable unknown service 'foobar, cc-eal'. Try esm-infra, fips, fips-updates, livepatch. """ And I verify that running `ua enable esm-infra` `with sudo` exits `1` # features/steps/ Then I will see the following on stdout # features/steps/ """ One moment, checking your subscription first UA Infra: ESM is already enabled. See: sudo ua status """ When I run `apt-cache policy` with sudo # features/steps/ Then apt-cache policy for the following url has permission `500` # features/steps/ """ focal-infra-updates/main amd64 Packages """ And I verify that running `apt update` `with sudo` exits `0` # features/steps/ When I run `apt install -y hello` with sudo, retrying exit [100] # features/steps/ And I run `apt-cache policy hello` as non-root # features/steps/ Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ \s*500 focal-infra-security/main amd64 Packages \s*500 focal-infra-updates/main amd64 Packages """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached enable of a service in a ubuntu machine -- @1.3 ubuntu release # features/attached_enable.feature:90 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua enable foobar` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ And I verify that running `ua enable foobar` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first """ And stderr matches regexp # None """ Cannot enable unknown service 'foobar'. Try esm-infra, fips, fips-updates, livepatch. """ And I verify that running `ua enable cc-eal foobar` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first """ And stderr matches regexp # None """ Cannot enable unknown service 'foobar, cc-eal'. Try esm-infra, fips, fips-updates, livepatch. """ And I verify that running `ua enable esm-infra` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first UA Infra: ESM is already enabled. See: sudo ua status """ When I run `apt-cache policy` with sudo # None Then apt-cache policy for the following url has permission `500` # None """ trusty-infra-updates/main amd64 Packages """ And I verify that running `apt update` `with sudo` exits `0` # None When I run `apt install -y libgit2-0` with sudo, retrying exit [100] # None And I run `apt-cache policy libgit2-0` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ \s*500 trusty-infra-security/main amd64 Packages \s*500 trusty-infra-updates/main amd64 Packages """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached enable of a service in a ubuntu machine -- @1.4 ubuntu release # features/attached_enable.feature:91 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua enable foobar` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ And I verify that running `ua enable foobar` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first """ And stderr matches regexp # None """ Cannot enable unknown service 'foobar'. Try esm-infra, fips, fips-updates, livepatch. """ And I verify that running `ua enable cc-eal foobar` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first """ And stderr matches regexp # None """ Cannot enable unknown service 'foobar, cc-eal'. Try esm-infra, fips, fips-updates, livepatch. """ And I verify that running `ua enable esm-infra` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first UA Infra: ESM is already enabled. See: sudo ua status """ When I run `apt-cache policy` with sudo # None Then apt-cache policy for the following url has permission `500` # None """ xenial-infra-updates/main amd64 Packages """ And I verify that running `apt update` `with sudo` exits `0` # None When I run `apt install -y libkrad0` with sudo, retrying exit [100] # None And I run `apt-cache policy libkrad0` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ \s*500 xenial-infra-security/main amd64 Packages \s*500 xenial-infra-updates/main amd64 Packages """ @series.all @uses.config.machine_type.lxd.container Scenario Outline: Attached enable of non-container services in a ubuntu lxd container -- @1.1 Un-supported services in containers # features/attached_enable.feature:124 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua enable livepatch` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ And I verify that running `ua enable livepatch` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first Cannot install Livepatch on a container. """ And I verify that running `ua enable fips --assume-yes` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first Cannot install FIPS on a container. """ And I verify that running `ua enable fips-updates --assume-yes` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first Cannot install FIPS Updates on a container. """ @series.all @uses.config.machine_type.lxd.container Scenario Outline: Attached enable of non-container services in a ubuntu lxd container -- @1.2 Un-supported services in containers # features/attached_enable.feature:125 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # features/steps/ Then I verify that running `ua enable livepatch` `as non-root` exits `1` # features/steps/ And I will see the following on stderr # features/steps/ """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ And I verify that running `ua enable livepatch` `with sudo` exits `1` # features/steps/ And I will see the following on stdout # features/steps/ """ One moment, checking your subscription first Cannot install Livepatch on a container. """ And I verify that running `ua enable fips --assume-yes` `with sudo` exits `1` # features/steps/ And I will see the following on stdout # features/steps/ """ One moment, checking your subscription first Cannot install FIPS on a container. """ And I verify that running `ua enable fips-updates --assume-yes` `with sudo` exits `1` # features/steps/ And I will see the following on stdout # features/steps/ """ One moment, checking your subscription first Cannot install FIPS Updates on a container. """ @series.all @uses.config.machine_type.lxd.container Scenario Outline: Attached enable of non-container services in a ubuntu lxd container -- @1.3 Un-supported services in containers # features/attached_enable.feature:126 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua enable livepatch` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ And I verify that running `ua enable livepatch` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first Cannot install Livepatch on a container. """ And I verify that running `ua enable fips --assume-yes` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first Cannot install FIPS on a container. """ And I verify that running `ua enable fips-updates --assume-yes` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first Cannot install FIPS Updates on a container. """ @series.all @uses.config.machine_type.lxd.container Scenario Outline: Attached enable of non-container services in a ubuntu lxd container -- @1.4 Un-supported services in containers # features/attached_enable.feature:127 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua enable livepatch` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ And I verify that running `ua enable livepatch` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first Cannot install Livepatch on a container. """ And I verify that running `ua enable fips --assume-yes` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first Cannot install FIPS on a container. """ And I verify that running `ua enable fips-updates --assume-yes` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first Cannot install FIPS Updates on a container. """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached enable not entitled service in a ubuntu machine -- @1.1 not entitled services # features/attached_enable.feature:155 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua enable ` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ And I verify that running `ua enable cis --beta` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first This subscription is not entitled to CIS Audit For more information see: """ And I verify that running `ua enable esm-apps --beta` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first This subscription is not entitled to UA Apps: ESM For more information see: """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached enable not entitled service in a ubuntu machine -- @1.2 not entitled services # features/attached_enable.feature:156 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # features/steps/ Then I verify that running `ua enable ` `as non-root` exits `1` # features/steps/ And I will see the following on stderr # features/steps/ """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ And I verify that running `ua enable cis --beta` `with sudo` exits `1` # features/steps/ And I will see the following on stdout # features/steps/ """ One moment, checking your subscription first This subscription is not entitled to CIS Audit For more information see: """ And I verify that running `ua enable esm-apps --beta` `with sudo` exits `1` # features/steps/ And I will see the following on stdout # features/steps/ """ One moment, checking your subscription first This subscription is not entitled to UA Apps: ESM For more information see: """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached enable not entitled service in a ubuntu machine -- @1.3 not entitled services # features/attached_enable.feature:157 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua enable ` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ And I verify that running `ua enable cis --beta` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first This subscription is not entitled to CIS Audit For more information see: """ And I verify that running `ua enable esm-apps --beta` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first This subscription is not entitled to UA Apps: ESM For more information see: """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Attached enable not entitled service in a ubuntu machine -- @1.4 not entitled services # features/attached_enable.feature:158 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ SKIP Scenario Attached enable of vm-based services in a focal lxd vm: Skipped: machine type lxd.container was not found in tags: lxd.vm When I attach `contract_token` with sudo # None Then I verify that running `ua enable ` `as non-root` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ And I verify that running `ua enable cis --beta` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first This subscription is not entitled to CIS Audit For more information see: """ And I verify that running `ua enable esm-apps --beta` `with sudo` exits `1` # None And I will see the following on stdout # None """ One moment, checking your subscription first This subscription is not entitled to UA Apps: ESM For more information see: """ @uses.config.contract_token_staging Feature: Enable command behaviour when attached to an UA staging subscription # features/staging_commands.feature:2 @series.xenial @series.bionic @series.focal Scenario Outline: Attached enable esm-apps on a machine -- @1.1 ubuntu release # features/staging_commands.feature:100 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token_staging` with sudo # None And I run `ua status --all` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ esm-apps yes enabled UA Apps: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) """ And I verify that running `apt update` `with sudo` exits `0` # None When I run `apt-cache policy` as non-root # None Then apt-cache policy for the following url has permission `500` # None """ bionic-apps-updates/main amd64 Packages """ And apt-cache policy for the following url has permission `500` # None """ bionic-apps-security/main amd64 Packages """ And I verify that running `apt update` `with sudo` exits `0` # None When I run `apt install -y bundler` with sudo, retrying exit [100] # None And I run `apt-cache policy bundler` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ Version table: \s*\*\*\* .* 500 \s*500 bionic-apps-security/main amd64 Packages """ When I run `mkdir -p /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages` with sudo # None When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-no-packages-infra.tmpl` with the following # None """ esm-infra-no {ESM_INFRA_PKG_COUNT}:{ESM_INFRA_PACKAGES} """ When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-packages-infra.tmpl` with the following # None """ esm-infra {ESM_INFRA_PKG_COUNT}:{ESM_INFRA_PACKAGES} """ When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-packages-apps.tmpl` with the following # None """ esm-apps {ESM_APPS_PKG_COUNT}:{ESM_APPS_PACKAGES} """ When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-no-packages-apps.tmpl` with the following # None """ esm-apps-no {ESM_APPS_PKG_COUNT}:{ESM_APPS_PACKAGES} """ When I run `/usr/lib/ubuntu-advantage/apt-esm-hook process-templates` with sudo # None When I run `cat /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-packages-apps` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ esm-apps(-no)? \d+:(.*)? """ When I run `cat /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-packages-infra` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ esm-infra(-no)? \d+:(.*)? """ When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-packages-infra.tmpl` with the following # None """ esm-infra {ESM_INFRA_PKG_COUNT} {ESM_INFRA_PACKAGES} """ When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-no-packages-infra.tmpl` with the following # None """ esm-infra-no {ESM_INFRA_PKG_COUNT} {ESM_INFRA_PACKAGES} """ When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-packages-apps.tmpl` with the following # None """ esm-apps {ESM_APPS_PKG_COUNT} {ESM_APPS_PACKAGES} """ When I run `apt upgrade --dry-run` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ esm-apps(-no)? \d+.* esm-infra(-no)? \d+.* """ @series.xenial @series.bionic @series.focal Scenario Outline: Attached enable esm-apps on a machine -- @1.2 ubuntu release # features/staging_commands.feature:101 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token_staging` with sudo # features/steps/ And I run `ua status --all` as non-root # features/steps/ Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ esm-apps yes enabled UA Apps: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) """ And I verify that running `apt update` `with sudo` exits `0` # features/steps/ When I run `apt-cache policy` as non-root # features/steps/ Then apt-cache policy for the following url has permission `500` # features/steps/ """ focal-apps-updates/main amd64 Packages """ And apt-cache policy for the following url has permission `500` # features/steps/ """ focal-apps-security/main amd64 Packages """ And I verify that running `apt update` `with sudo` exits `0` # features/steps/ When I run `apt install -y ant` with sudo, retrying exit [100] # features/steps/ And I run `apt-cache policy ant` as non-root # features/steps/ Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ Version table: \s*\*\*\* .* 500 \s*500 focal-apps-security/main amd64 Packages """ When I run `mkdir -p /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages` with sudo # features/steps/ When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-no-packages-infra.tmpl` with the following # features/steps/ """ esm-infra-no {ESM_INFRA_PKG_COUNT}:{ESM_INFRA_PACKAGES} """ When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-packages-infra.tmpl` with the following # features/steps/ """ esm-infra {ESM_INFRA_PKG_COUNT}:{ESM_INFRA_PACKAGES} """ When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-packages-apps.tmpl` with the following # features/steps/ """ esm-apps {ESM_APPS_PKG_COUNT}:{ESM_APPS_PACKAGES} """ When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-no-packages-apps.tmpl` with the following # features/steps/ """ esm-apps-no {ESM_APPS_PKG_COUNT}:{ESM_APPS_PACKAGES} """ When I run `/usr/lib/ubuntu-advantage/apt-esm-hook process-templates` with sudo # features/steps/ When I run `cat /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-packages-apps` with sudo # features/steps/ Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ esm-apps(-no)? \d+:(.*)? """ When I run `cat /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-packages-infra` with sudo # features/steps/ Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ esm-infra(-no)? \d+:(.*)? """ When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-packages-infra.tmpl` with the following # features/steps/ """ esm-infra {ESM_INFRA_PKG_COUNT} {ESM_INFRA_PACKAGES} """ When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-no-packages-infra.tmpl` with the following # features/steps/ """ esm-infra-no {ESM_INFRA_PKG_COUNT} {ESM_INFRA_PACKAGES} """ When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-packages-apps.tmpl` with the following # features/steps/ """ esm-apps {ESM_APPS_PKG_COUNT} {ESM_APPS_PACKAGES} """ When I run `apt upgrade --dry-run` with sudo # features/steps/ Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ esm-apps(-no)? \d+.* esm-infra(-no)? \d+.* """ @series.xenial @series.bionic @series.focal Scenario Outline: Attached enable esm-apps on a machine -- @1.3 ubuntu release # features/staging_commands.feature:102 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token_staging` with sudo # None And I run `ua status --all` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ esm-apps yes enabled UA Apps: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) """ And I verify that running `apt update` `with sudo` exits `0` # None When I run `apt-cache policy` as non-root # None Then apt-cache policy for the following url has permission `500` # None """ trusty-apps-updates/main amd64 Packages """ And apt-cache policy for the following url has permission `500` # None """ trusty-apps-security/main amd64 Packages """ And I verify that running `apt update` `with sudo` exits `0` # None When I run `apt install -y ant` with sudo, retrying exit [100] # None And I run `apt-cache policy ant` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ Version table: \s*\*\*\* .* 500 \s*500 trusty-apps-security/main amd64 Packages """ When I run `mkdir -p /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages` with sudo # None When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-no-packages-infra.tmpl` with the following # None """ esm-infra-no {ESM_INFRA_PKG_COUNT}:{ESM_INFRA_PACKAGES} """ When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-packages-infra.tmpl` with the following # None """ esm-infra {ESM_INFRA_PKG_COUNT}:{ESM_INFRA_PACKAGES} """ When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-packages-apps.tmpl` with the following # None """ esm-apps {ESM_APPS_PKG_COUNT}:{ESM_APPS_PACKAGES} """ When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-no-packages-apps.tmpl` with the following # None """ esm-apps-no {ESM_APPS_PKG_COUNT}:{ESM_APPS_PACKAGES} """ When I run `/usr/lib/ubuntu-advantage/apt-esm-hook process-templates` with sudo # None When I run `cat /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-packages-apps` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ esm-apps(-no)? \d+:(.*)? """ When I run `cat /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-packages-infra` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ esm-infra(-no)? \d+:(.*)? """ When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-packages-infra.tmpl` with the following # None """ esm-infra {ESM_INFRA_PKG_COUNT} {ESM_INFRA_PACKAGES} """ When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-no-packages-infra.tmpl` with the following # None """ esm-infra-no {ESM_INFRA_PKG_COUNT} {ESM_INFRA_PACKAGES} """ When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-packages-apps.tmpl` with the following # None """ esm-apps {ESM_APPS_PKG_COUNT} {ESM_APPS_PACKAGES} """ When I run `apt upgrade --dry-run` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ esm-apps(-no)? \d+.* esm-infra(-no)? \d+.* """ @series.xenial @series.bionic @series.focal Scenario Outline: Attached enable esm-apps on a machine -- @1.4 ubuntu release # features/staging_commands.feature:103 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I attach `contract_token_staging` with sudo # None And I run `ua status --all` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ esm-apps yes enabled UA Apps: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) """ And I verify that running `apt update` `with sudo` exits `0` # None When I run `apt-cache policy` as non-root # None Then apt-cache policy for the following url has permission `500` # None """ xenial-apps-updates/main amd64 Packages """ And apt-cache policy for the following url has permission `500` # None """ xenial-apps-security/main amd64 Packages """ And I verify that running `apt update` `with sudo` exits `0` # None When I run `apt install -y jq` with sudo, retrying exit [100] # None And I run `apt-cache policy jq` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ Version table: \s*\*\*\* .* 500 \s*500 xenial-apps-security/main amd64 Packages """ When I run `mkdir -p /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages` with sudo # None When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-no-packages-infra.tmpl` with the following # None """ esm-infra-no {ESM_INFRA_PKG_COUNT}:{ESM_INFRA_PACKAGES} """ When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-packages-infra.tmpl` with the following # None """ esm-infra {ESM_INFRA_PKG_COUNT}:{ESM_INFRA_PACKAGES} """ When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-packages-apps.tmpl` with the following # None """ esm-apps {ESM_APPS_PKG_COUNT}:{ESM_APPS_PACKAGES} """ When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-no-packages-apps.tmpl` with the following # None """ esm-apps-no {ESM_APPS_PKG_COUNT}:{ESM_APPS_PACKAGES} """ When I run `/usr/lib/ubuntu-advantage/apt-esm-hook process-templates` with sudo # None When I run `cat /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-packages-apps` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ esm-apps(-no)? \d+:(.*)? """ When I run `cat /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-packages-infra` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ esm-infra(-no)? \d+:(.*)? """ When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-packages-infra.tmpl` with the following # None """ esm-infra {ESM_INFRA_PKG_COUNT} {ESM_INFRA_PACKAGES} """ When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-no-packages-infra.tmpl` with the following # None """ esm-infra-no {ESM_INFRA_PKG_COUNT} {ESM_INFRA_PACKAGES} """ When I create the file `/var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/messages/apt-pre-invoke-packages-apps.tmpl` with the following # None """ esm-apps {ESM_APPS_PKG_COUNT} {ESM_APPS_PACKAGES} """ When I run `apt upgrade --dry-run` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ esm-apps(-no)? \d+.* esm-infra(-no)? \d+.* """ Feature: Command behaviour when attached to an UA subscription # features/ubuntu_pro.feature:1 SKIP Scenario Attached refresh in an Ubuntu PRO machine -- @1.1 ubuntu release: Skipped: machine type lxd.container was not found in tags: SKIP Scenario Attached refresh in an Ubuntu PRO machine -- @1.2 ubuntu release: Skipped: machine type lxd.container was not found in tags: SKIP Scenario Attached refresh in an Ubuntu PRO machine -- @1.3 ubuntu release: Skipped: machine type lxd.container was not found in tags: SKIP Scenario Attached refresh in an Ubuntu PRO machine -- @1.1 ubuntu release: Skipped: machine type lxd.container was not found in tags: SKIP Scenario Attached refresh in an Ubuntu PRO machine -- @1.2 ubuntu release: Skipped: machine type lxd.container was not found in tags: SKIP Scenario Attached refresh in an Ubuntu PRO machine -- @1.3 ubuntu release: Skipped: machine type lxd.container was not found in tags: SKIP Scenario Attached refresh in an Ubuntu PRO machine -- @1.1 ubuntu release: Skipped: machine type lxd.container was not found in tags: SKIP Scenario Attached refresh in an Ubuntu PRO machine -- @1.2 ubuntu release: Skipped: machine type lxd.container was not found in tags: SKIP Scenario Attached refresh in an Ubuntu PRO machine -- @1.3 ubuntu release: Skipped: machine type lxd.container was not found in tags: Feature: Command behaviour when unattached # features/unattached_commands.feature:1 @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached auto-attach does nothing in a ubuntu machine -- @1.1 ubuntu release # features/unattached_commands.feature:20 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua auto-attach` `as non-root` exits `1` # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ When I run `ua auto-attach` with sudo # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ Auto-attach image support is not available on lxd See: """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached auto-attach does nothing in a ubuntu machine -- @1.2 ubuntu release # features/unattached_commands.feature:21 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua auto-attach` `as non-root` exits `1` # features/steps/ Then stderr matches regexp # features/steps/ """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ When I run `ua auto-attach` with sudo # features/steps/ Then stderr matches regexp # features/steps/ """ Auto-attach image support is not available on lxd See: """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached auto-attach does nothing in a ubuntu machine -- @1.3 ubuntu release # features/unattached_commands.feature:22 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua auto-attach` `as non-root` exits `1` # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ When I run `ua auto-attach` with sudo # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ Auto-attach image support is not available on nocloudnet See: """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached auto-attach does nothing in a ubuntu machine -- @1.4 ubuntu release # features/unattached_commands.feature:23 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua auto-attach` `as non-root` exits `1` # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ This command must be run as root \(try using sudo\). """ When I run `ua auto-attach` with sudo # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ Auto-attach image support is not available on lxd See: """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached commands that requires enabled user in a ubuntu machine -- @1.1 ua commands # features/unattached_commands.feature:122 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua detach` `as non-root` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ When I verify that running `ua detach` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached commands that requires enabled user in a ubuntu machine -- @1.2 ua commands # features/unattached_commands.feature:123 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua refresh` `as non-root` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ When I verify that running `ua refresh` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached commands that requires enabled user in a ubuntu machine -- @1.3 ua commands # features/unattached_commands.feature:124 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua detach` `as non-root` exits `1` # features/steps/ Then I will see the following on stderr # features/steps/ """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ When I verify that running `ua detach` `with sudo` exits `1` # features/steps/ Then stderr matches regexp # features/steps/ """ This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached commands that requires enabled user in a ubuntu machine -- @1.4 ua commands # features/unattached_commands.feature:125 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua refresh` `as non-root` exits `1` # features/steps/ Then I will see the following on stderr # features/steps/ """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ When I verify that running `ua refresh` `with sudo` exits `1` # features/steps/ Then stderr matches regexp # features/steps/ """ This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached commands that requires enabled user in a ubuntu machine -- @1.5 ua commands # features/unattached_commands.feature:126 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua detach` `as non-root` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ When I verify that running `ua detach` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached commands that requires enabled user in a ubuntu machine -- @1.6 ua commands # features/unattached_commands.feature:127 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua refresh` `as non-root` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ When I verify that running `ua refresh` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached commands that requires enabled user in a ubuntu machine -- @1.7 ua commands # features/unattached_commands.feature:128 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua detach` `as non-root` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ When I verify that running `ua detach` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached commands that requires enabled user in a ubuntu machine -- @1.8 ua commands # features/unattached_commands.feature:129 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua refresh` `as non-root` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ When I verify that running `ua refresh` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached command known and unknown services in a ubuntu machine -- @1.1 ua commands # features/unattached_commands.feature:149 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua enable livepatch` `as non-root` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ When I verify that running `ua enable livepatch` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ To use 'livepatch' you need an Ubuntu Advantage subscription Personal and community subscriptions are available at no charge See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached command known and unknown services in a ubuntu machine -- @1.2 ua commands # features/unattached_commands.feature:150 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua disable livepatch` `as non-root` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ When I verify that running `ua disable livepatch` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ To use 'livepatch' you need an Ubuntu Advantage subscription Personal and community subscriptions are available at no charge See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached command known and unknown services in a ubuntu machine -- @1.3 ua commands # features/unattached_commands.feature:151 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua enable unknown` `as non-root` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ When I verify that running `ua enable unknown` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ To use 'unknown' you need an Ubuntu Advantage subscription Personal and community subscriptions are available at no charge See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached command known and unknown services in a ubuntu machine -- @1.4 ua commands # features/unattached_commands.feature:152 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua disable unknown` `as non-root` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ When I verify that running `ua disable unknown` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ To use 'unknown' you need an Ubuntu Advantage subscription Personal and community subscriptions are available at no charge See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached command known and unknown services in a ubuntu machine -- @1.5 ua commands # features/unattached_commands.feature:153 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua enable livepatch` `as non-root` exits `1` # features/steps/ Then I will see the following on stderr # features/steps/ """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ When I verify that running `ua enable livepatch` `with sudo` exits `1` # features/steps/ Then stderr matches regexp # features/steps/ """ To use 'livepatch' you need an Ubuntu Advantage subscription Personal and community subscriptions are available at no charge See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached command known and unknown services in a ubuntu machine -- @1.6 ua commands # features/unattached_commands.feature:154 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua disable livepatch` `as non-root` exits `1` # features/steps/ Then I will see the following on stderr # features/steps/ """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ When I verify that running `ua disable livepatch` `with sudo` exits `1` # features/steps/ Then stderr matches regexp # features/steps/ """ To use 'livepatch' you need an Ubuntu Advantage subscription Personal and community subscriptions are available at no charge See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached command known and unknown services in a ubuntu machine -- @1.7 ua commands # features/unattached_commands.feature:155 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua enable unknown` `as non-root` exits `1` # features/steps/ Then I will see the following on stderr # features/steps/ """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ When I verify that running `ua enable unknown` `with sudo` exits `1` # features/steps/ Then stderr matches regexp # features/steps/ """ To use 'unknown' you need an Ubuntu Advantage subscription Personal and community subscriptions are available at no charge See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached command known and unknown services in a ubuntu machine -- @1.8 ua commands # features/unattached_commands.feature:156 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua disable unknown` `as non-root` exits `1` # features/steps/ Then I will see the following on stderr # features/steps/ """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ When I verify that running `ua disable unknown` `with sudo` exits `1` # features/steps/ Then stderr matches regexp # features/steps/ """ To use 'unknown' you need an Ubuntu Advantage subscription Personal and community subscriptions are available at no charge See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached command known and unknown services in a ubuntu machine -- @1.9 ua commands # features/unattached_commands.feature:157 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua enable livepatch` `as non-root` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ When I verify that running `ua enable livepatch` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ To use 'livepatch' you need an Ubuntu Advantage subscription Personal and community subscriptions are available at no charge See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached command known and unknown services in a ubuntu machine -- @1.10 ua commands # features/unattached_commands.feature:158 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua disable livepatch` `as non-root` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ When I verify that running `ua disable livepatch` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ To use 'livepatch' you need an Ubuntu Advantage subscription Personal and community subscriptions are available at no charge See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached command known and unknown services in a ubuntu machine -- @1.11 ua commands # features/unattached_commands.feature:159 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua enable unknown` `as non-root` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ When I verify that running `ua enable unknown` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ To use 'unknown' you need an Ubuntu Advantage subscription Personal and community subscriptions are available at no charge See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached command known and unknown services in a ubuntu machine -- @1.12 ua commands # features/unattached_commands.feature:160 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua disable unknown` `as non-root` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ When I verify that running `ua disable unknown` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ To use 'unknown' you need an Ubuntu Advantage subscription Personal and community subscriptions are available at no charge See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached command known and unknown services in a ubuntu machine -- @1.13 ua commands # features/unattached_commands.feature:161 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua enable livepatch` `as non-root` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ When I verify that running `ua enable livepatch` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ To use 'livepatch' you need an Ubuntu Advantage subscription Personal and community subscriptions are available at no charge See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached command known and unknown services in a ubuntu machine -- @1.14 ua commands # features/unattached_commands.feature:162 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua disable livepatch` `as non-root` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ When I verify that running `ua disable livepatch` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ To use 'livepatch' you need an Ubuntu Advantage subscription Personal and community subscriptions are available at no charge See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached command known and unknown services in a ubuntu machine -- @1.15 ua commands # features/unattached_commands.feature:163 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua enable unknown` `as non-root` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ When I verify that running `ua enable unknown` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ To use 'unknown' you need an Ubuntu Advantage subscription Personal and community subscriptions are available at no charge See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached command known and unknown services in a ubuntu machine -- @1.16 ua commands # features/unattached_commands.feature:164 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua disable unknown` `as non-root` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stderr # None """ This command must be run as root (try using sudo). """ When I verify that running `ua disable unknown` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then stderr matches regexp # None """ To use 'unknown' you need an Ubuntu Advantage subscription Personal and community subscriptions are available at no charge See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Help command on an unattached machine -- @1.1 ubuntu release # features/unattached_commands.feature:200 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I run `ua help esm-infra` as non-root # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ Name: esm-infra Available: yes Help: esm-infra provides access to a private ppa which includes available high and critical CVE fixes for Ubuntu LTS packages in the Ubuntu Main repository between the end of the standard Ubuntu LTS security maintenance and its end of life. It is enabled by default with Extended Security Maintenance (ESM) for UA Apps and UA Infra. You can find our more about the esm service at """ When I run `ua help esm-infra --format json` with sudo # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ {"name": "esm-infra", "available": "yes", "help": "esm-infra provides access to a private ppa which includes available high\nand critical CVE fixes for Ubuntu LTS packages in the Ubuntu Main\nrepository between the end of the standard Ubuntu LTS security\nmaintenance and its end of life. It is enabled by default with\nExtended Security Maintenance (ESM) for UA Apps and UA Infra.\nYou can find our more about the esm service at\n\n"} """ When I verify that running `ua help invalid-service` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stderr # None """ No help available for 'invalid-service' """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Help command on an unattached machine -- @1.2 ubuntu release # features/unattached_commands.feature:201 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I run `ua help esm-infra` as non-root # features/steps/ Then I will see the following on stdout # features/steps/ """ Name: esm-infra Available: yes Help: esm-infra provides access to a private ppa which includes available high and critical CVE fixes for Ubuntu LTS packages in the Ubuntu Main repository between the end of the standard Ubuntu LTS security maintenance and its end of life. It is enabled by default with Extended Security Maintenance (ESM) for UA Apps and UA Infra. You can find our more about the esm service at """ When I run `ua help esm-infra --format json` with sudo # features/steps/ Then I will see the following on stdout # features/steps/ """ {"name": "esm-infra", "available": "yes", "help": "esm-infra provides access to a private ppa which includes available high\nand critical CVE fixes for Ubuntu LTS packages in the Ubuntu Main\nrepository between the end of the standard Ubuntu LTS security\nmaintenance and its end of life. It is enabled by default with\nExtended Security Maintenance (ESM) for UA Apps and UA Infra.\nYou can find our more about the esm service at\n\n"} """ When I verify that running `ua help invalid-service` `with sudo` exits `1` # features/steps/ Then I will see the following on stderr # features/steps/ """ No help available for 'invalid-service' """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Help command on an unattached machine -- @1.3 ubuntu release # features/unattached_commands.feature:202 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I run `ua help esm-infra` as non-root # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ Name: esm-infra Available: yes Help: esm-infra provides access to a private ppa which includes available high and critical CVE fixes for Ubuntu LTS packages in the Ubuntu Main repository between the end of the standard Ubuntu LTS security maintenance and its end of life. It is enabled by default with Extended Security Maintenance (ESM) for UA Apps and UA Infra. You can find our more about the esm service at """ When I run `ua help esm-infra --format json` with sudo # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ {"name": "esm-infra", "available": "yes", "help": "esm-infra provides access to a private ppa which includes available high\nand critical CVE fixes for Ubuntu LTS packages in the Ubuntu Main\nrepository between the end of the standard Ubuntu LTS security\nmaintenance and its end of life. It is enabled by default with\nExtended Security Maintenance (ESM) for UA Apps and UA Infra.\nYou can find our more about the esm service at\n\n"} """ When I verify that running `ua help invalid-service` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stderr # None """ No help available for 'invalid-service' """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Help command on an unattached machine -- @1.4 ubuntu release # features/unattached_commands.feature:203 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I run `ua help esm-infra` as non-root # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ Name: esm-infra Available: yes Help: esm-infra provides access to a private ppa which includes available high and critical CVE fixes for Ubuntu LTS packages in the Ubuntu Main repository between the end of the standard Ubuntu LTS security maintenance and its end of life. It is enabled by default with Extended Security Maintenance (ESM) for UA Apps and UA Infra. You can find our more about the esm service at """ When I run `ua help esm-infra --format json` with sudo # None Then I will see the following on stdout # None """ {"name": "esm-infra", "available": "yes", "help": "esm-infra provides access to a private ppa which includes available high\nand critical CVE fixes for Ubuntu LTS packages in the Ubuntu Main\nrepository between the end of the standard Ubuntu LTS security\nmaintenance and its end of life. It is enabled by default with\nExtended Security Maintenance (ESM) for UA Apps and UA Infra.\nYou can find our more about the esm service at\n\n"} """ When I verify that running `ua help invalid-service` `with sudo` exits `1` # None Then I will see the following on stderr # None """ No help available for 'invalid-service' """ @series.focal Scenario Outline: Fix command on an unattached machine -- @1.1 ubuntu release details # features/unattached_commands.feature:257 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I verify that running `ua fix CVE-1800-123456` `as non-root` exits `1` # features/steps/ Then I will see the following on stderr # features/steps/ """ Error: CVE-1800-123456 not found. """ When I verify that running `ua fix USN-12345-12` `as non-root` exits `1` # features/steps/ Then I will see the following on stderr # features/steps/ """ Error: USN-12345-12 not found. """ When I verify that running `ua fix CVE-12345678-12` `as non-root` exits `1` # features/steps/ Then I will see the following on stderr # features/steps/ """ Error: issue "CVE-12345678-12" is not recognized. Usage: "ua fix CVE-yyyy-nnnn" or "ua fix USN-nnnn" """ When I verify that running `ua fix USN-12345678-12` `as non-root` exits `1` # features/steps/ Then I will see the following on stderr # features/steps/ """ Error: issue "USN-12345678-12" is not recognized. Usage: "ua fix CVE-yyyy-nnnn" or "ua fix USN-nnnn" """ When I run `apt install -y libawl-php=0.60-1 --allow-downgrades` with sudo # features/steps/ And I run `ua fix USN-4539-1` with sudo # features/steps/ Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ USN-4539-1: AWL vulnerability Found CVEs: 1 affected package is installed: awl \(1/1\) awl: A fix is available in Ubuntu standard updates. .*\{ apt update && apt install --only-upgrade -y libawl-php \}.* .*✔.* USN-4539-1 is resolved. """ When I run `ua fix CVE-2020-28196` as non-root # features/steps/ Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ CVE-2020-28196: Kerberos vulnerability 1 affected package is installed: krb5 \(1/1\) krb5: A fix is available in Ubuntu standard updates. The update is already installed. .*✔.* CVE-2020-28196 is resolved. """ Feature: Unattached status # features/unattached_status.feature:1 @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached status in a ubuntu machine -- @1.1 ubuntu release # features/unattached_status.feature:83 Given a `bionic` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I run `ua status` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ SERVICE AVAILABLE DESCRIPTION esm-infra yes UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips yes +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates yes +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch yes Canonical Livepatch service This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ When I run `ua status --all` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ SERVICE AVAILABLE DESCRIPTION cc-eal no +Common Criteria EAL2 Provisioning Packages cis yes +Center for Internet Security Audit Tools esm-apps yes +UA Apps: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) esm-infra yes UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips yes +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates yes +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch yes Canonical Livepatch service This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ When I run `ua status` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ SERVICE AVAILABLE DESCRIPTION esm-infra yes UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips yes +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates yes +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch yes Canonical Livepatch service This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ When I run `ua status --all` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ SERVICE AVAILABLE DESCRIPTION cc-eal no +Common Criteria EAL2 Provisioning Packages cis yes +Center for Internet Security Audit Tools esm-apps yes +UA Apps: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) esm-infra yes UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips yes +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates yes +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch yes Canonical Livepatch service This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ When I append the following on uaclient config # None """ features: allow_beta: true """ And I run `ua status` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ SERVICE AVAILABLE DESCRIPTION cc-eal no +Common Criteria EAL2 Provisioning Packages cis yes +Center for Internet Security Audit Tools esm-apps yes +UA Apps: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) esm-infra yes UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips yes +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates yes +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch yes Canonical Livepatch service This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached status in a ubuntu machine -- @1.2 ubuntu release # features/unattached_status.feature:84 Given a `focal` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I run `ua status` as non-root # features/steps/ Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ SERVICE AVAILABLE DESCRIPTION esm-infra yes UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips no +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates no +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch yes Canonical Livepatch service This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ When I run `ua status --all` as non-root # features/steps/ Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ SERVICE AVAILABLE DESCRIPTION cc-eal no +Common Criteria EAL2 Provisioning Packages cis no +Center for Internet Security Audit Tools esm-apps yes +UA Apps: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) esm-infra yes UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips no +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates no +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch yes Canonical Livepatch service This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ When I run `ua status` with sudo # features/steps/ Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ SERVICE AVAILABLE DESCRIPTION esm-infra yes UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips no +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates no +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch yes Canonical Livepatch service This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ When I run `ua status --all` with sudo # features/steps/ Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ SERVICE AVAILABLE DESCRIPTION cc-eal no +Common Criteria EAL2 Provisioning Packages cis no +Center for Internet Security Audit Tools esm-apps yes +UA Apps: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) esm-infra yes UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips no +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates no +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch yes Canonical Livepatch service This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ When I append the following on uaclient config # features/steps/ """ features: allow_beta: true """ And I run `ua status` as non-root # features/steps/ Then stdout matches regexp # features/steps/ """ SERVICE AVAILABLE DESCRIPTION cc-eal no +Common Criteria EAL2 Provisioning Packages cis no +Center for Internet Security Audit Tools esm-apps yes +UA Apps: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) esm-infra yes UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips no +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates no +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch yes Canonical Livepatch service This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached status in a ubuntu machine -- @1.3 ubuntu release # features/unattached_status.feature:85 Given a `trusty` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I run `ua status` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ SERVICE AVAILABLE DESCRIPTION esm-infra yes UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips no +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates no +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch yes Canonical Livepatch service This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ When I run `ua status --all` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ SERVICE AVAILABLE DESCRIPTION cc-eal no +Common Criteria EAL2 Provisioning Packages cis no +Center for Internet Security Audit Tools esm-apps no +UA Apps: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) esm-infra yes UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips no +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates no +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch yes Canonical Livepatch service This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ When I run `ua status` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ SERVICE AVAILABLE DESCRIPTION esm-infra yes UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips no +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates no +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch yes Canonical Livepatch service This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ When I run `ua status --all` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ SERVICE AVAILABLE DESCRIPTION cc-eal no +Common Criteria EAL2 Provisioning Packages cis no +Center for Internet Security Audit Tools esm-apps no +UA Apps: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) esm-infra yes UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips no +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates no +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch yes Canonical Livepatch service This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ When I append the following on uaclient config # None """ features: allow_beta: true """ And I run `ua status` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ SERVICE AVAILABLE DESCRIPTION cc-eal no +Common Criteria EAL2 Provisioning Packages cis no +Center for Internet Security Audit Tools esm-apps no +UA Apps: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) esm-infra yes UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips no +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates no +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch yes Canonical Livepatch service This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ @series.all Scenario Outline: Unattached status in a ubuntu machine -- @1.4 ubuntu release # features/unattached_status.feature:86 Given a `xenial` machine with ubuntu-advantage-tools installed # features/steps/ When I run `ua status` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ SERVICE AVAILABLE DESCRIPTION esm-infra yes UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips yes +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates yes +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch yes Canonical Livepatch service This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ When I run `ua status --all` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ SERVICE AVAILABLE DESCRIPTION cc-eal yes +Common Criteria EAL2 Provisioning Packages cis yes +Center for Internet Security Audit Tools esm-apps yes +UA Apps: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) esm-infra yes UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips yes +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates yes +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch yes Canonical Livepatch service This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ When I run `ua status` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ SERVICE AVAILABLE DESCRIPTION esm-infra yes UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips yes +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates yes +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch yes Canonical Livepatch service This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ When I run `ua status --all` with sudo # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ SERVICE AVAILABLE DESCRIPTION cc-eal yes +Common Criteria EAL2 Provisioning Packages cis yes +Center for Internet Security Audit Tools esm-apps yes +UA Apps: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) esm-infra yes UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips yes +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates yes +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch yes Canonical Livepatch service This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ When I append the following on uaclient config # None """ features: allow_beta: true """ And I run `ua status` as non-root # None Then stdout matches regexp # None """ SERVICE AVAILABLE DESCRIPTION cc-eal yes +Common Criteria EAL2 Provisioning Packages cis yes +Center for Internet Security Audit Tools esm-apps yes +UA Apps: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) esm-infra yes UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance \(ESM\) fips yes +NIST-certified FIPS modules fips-updates yes +Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules livepatch yes Canonical Livepatch service This machine is not attached to a UA subscription. See """ Failing scenarios: features/attached_commands.feature:436 Enable command with invalid repositories in user machine -- @1.4 ubuntu release 6 features passed, 1 failed, 2 skipped 27 scenarios passed, 1 failed, 142 skipped 280 steps passed, 1 failed, 1751 skipped, 0 undefined Took 19m54.335s ERROR: InvocationError for command /home/grant/git/canonical/canonical-ua/.tox/behave-lxd-20.04/bin/behave -v --tags=series.focal,series.all '--tags=~upgrade' (exited with code 1) ___________________________________ summary ____________________________________ ERROR: behave-lxd-20.04: commands failed