The MAAS CI has built new images using -proposed, which includes the bootloaders (and hence, grub from -proposed):
{ "content_id": "com.ubuntu.maas:daily:1:bootloader-download", "datatype": "image-downloads", "format": "products:1.0", "products": { "com.ubuntu.maas.daily:1:grub-efi-signed:uefi:amd64": { "arch": "amd64", "arches": "amd64", "bootloader-type": "uefi", "label": "daily", "os": "grub-efi-signed", "versions": { "20180424.0": { "items": { "grub2-signed": { "ftype": "archive.tar.xz", "path": "bootloaders/uefi/amd64/20180424.0/grub2-signed.tar.xz", "sha256": "c36c148eba15eda8af4e300af1d382a13595acac41db521d86f40c6ae789b57b", "size": 284308, "src_package": "grub2-signed", "src_release": "xenial", "src_version": "1.66.18+2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.18" }, "shim-signed": { "ftype": "archive.tar.xz", "path": "bootloaders/uefi/amd64/20180424.0/shim-signed.tar.xz", "sha256": "22e8518eaa8e5a55ec188976e8b6e01da797df65a6143bcb741a7cf432d30c28", "size": 308604, "src_package": "shim-signed", "src_release": "xenial", "src_version": "1.33.1~16.04.1+13-0ubuntu2" } } }
Our CI completed successfully with this.
The MAAS CI has built new images using -proposed, which includes the bootloaders (and hence, grub from -proposed):
{ maas:daily: 1:bootloader- download" , ubuntu. maas.daily: 1:grub- efi-signed: uefi:amd64" : { type": "uefi", grub2-signed" : { uefi/amd64/ 20180424. 0/grub2- signed. tar.xz" , a8af4e300af1d38 2a13595acac41db 521d86f40c6ae78 9b57b",
"src_package" : "grub2-signed",
"src_release" : "xenial",
"src_version" : "1.66.18+ 2.02~beta2- 36ubuntu3. 18" shim-signed" : { uefi/amd64/ 20180424. 0/shim- signed. tar.xz" , 55ec188976e8b6e 01da797df65a614 3bcb741a7cf432d 30c28",
"src_package" : "shim-signed",
"src_release" : "xenial",
"src_version" : "1.33.1~ 16.04.1+ 13-0ubuntu2"
"content_id": "com.ubuntu.
"datatype": "image-downloads",
"format": "products:1.0",
"products": {
"arch": "amd64",
"arches": "amd64",
"label": "daily",
"os": "grub-efi-signed",
"versions": {
"20180424.0": {
"items": {
"ftype": "archive.tar.xz",
"path": "bootloaders/
"sha256": "c36c148eba15ed
"size": 284308,
"ftype": "archive.tar.xz",
"path": "bootloaders/
"sha256": "22e8518eaa8e5a
"size": 308604,
Our CI completed successfully with this.