I have positively verified that an affected system (which has a 82599ES 10-Gigabit SFI/SFP+) exhibits the ARP storm behavior when booting with MAAS using the grubnetx64.efi binary in xenial(-updates), leading to stopping in the grub prompt; and with the grubnetx64.efi binary in xenial-proposed no ARP storm is noticeable, and the system boots normally as expected.
The bad binaries are any 2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.17 and prior; the binary installed by MAAS or I would most commonly expect to see on an affected setup comes from xenial-updates (grub2 2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.17) has a sha256sum of:
And the valid binary from xenial-proposed (until this SRU is released to xenial-updates), comes from grub2 2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.18 and has a sha256sum of:
If running 'sha256sum /var/lib/maas/boot-resources/current/bootloader/uefi/amd64/grubx64.efi' (or using the path appropriate to non-MAAS netboot setups) yields the same value as above (a92ed9943c6569a999b9b437e7ca07ccac7d30a4df1a18cdd68b406e5d45013c), then you are running the patched version of grub2. If you are still noticing issues, then you would be seeing a different bug, one that should be reported separately.
I have positively verified that an affected system (which has a 82599ES 10-Gigabit SFI/SFP+) exhibits the ARP storm behavior when booting with MAAS using the grubnetx64.efi binary in xenial(-updates), leading to stopping in the grub prompt; and with the grubnetx64.efi binary in xenial-proposed no ARP storm is noticeable, and the system boots normally as expected.
The bad binaries are any 2.02~beta2- 36ubuntu3. 17 and prior; the binary installed by MAAS or I would most commonly expect to see on an affected setup comes from xenial-updates (grub2 2.02~beta2- 36ubuntu3. 17) has a sha256sum of:
b164561b4f42223 b6d37e00f613adc 32c22e5377c0fb6 a6615e101c625d9 b9cb
And the valid binary from xenial-proposed (until this SRU is released to xenial-updates), comes from grub2 2.02~beta2- 36ubuntu3. 18 and has a sha256sum of:
a92ed9943c6569a 999b9b437e7ca07 ccac7d30a4df1a1 8cdd68b406e5d45 013c
If running 'sha256sum /var/lib/ maas/boot- resources/ current/ bootloader/ uefi/amd64/ grubx64. efi' (or using the path appropriate to non-MAAS netboot setups) yields the same value as above (a92ed9943c6569 a999b9b437e7ca0 7ccac7d30a4df1a 18cdd68b406e5d4 5013c), then you are running the patched version of grub2. If you are still noticing issues, then you would be seeing a different bug, one that should be reported separately.
Marking this verification-done.