* debian/patches/efinet_check_imm_completion.patch: check for immediate
completion when sending data to the net device buffer. This is a required
commit for the patch below.
* debian/patches/efinet_handle_buggy_get_status.patch: correctly handle the
output of get_status() for EFI net devices on buggy firmware.
(LP: #1437353)
This bug was fixed in the package grub2 - 2.02~beta2- 36ubuntu3. 18
--------------- 36ubuntu3. 18) xenial; urgency=medium
grub2 (2.02~beta2-
* debian/ patches/ efinet_ check_imm_ completion. patch: check for immediate patches/ efinet_ handle_ buggy_get_ status. patch: correctly handle the
completion when sending data to the net device buffer. This is a required
commit for the patch below.
* debian/
output of get_status() for EFI net devices on buggy firmware.
(LP: #1437353)
-- Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <email address hidden> Mon, 19 Mar 2018 16:11:06 -0400