Comment 14 for bug 1130951

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package linux-armadaxp - 3.5.0-1611.17

linux-armadaxp (3.5.0-1611.17) quantal-proposed; urgency=low

  [ Ike Panhc ]

  * Release Tracking Bug
    - LP: #1160181
  * Rebase onto Ubuntu-3.5.0-27.46

  [ Ubuntu: 3.5.0-27.46 ]

  * Release Tracking Bug
    - LP: #1159991
  * Start New Release
  * crypto: user - fix info leaks in report API
    - LP: #1156790, #1156795, #1156799
    - CVE-2013-2546
  * brcmsmac: fix mismatch in number of custom regulatory rules
    - LP: #1156769
  * SAUCE: PCI: define macro for marvell vendor ID
    - LP: #1159863
  * SAUCE: PCI: fix system hang issue of Marvell SATA host controller
    - LP: #1159863

  [ Ubuntu: 3.5.0-27.45 ]

  * no change

  [ Ubuntu: 3.5.0-27.44 ]

  * no change
 -- Ike Panhc <email address hidden> Tue, 26 Mar 2013 16:59:14 +0800