(In reply to jeff from comment #5)
> To my knowledge, Canonicals contribution is only in Canonicals patched
> version of accountsservice. If I install accountsservice-ubuntu from the
> Arch AUR, LightDM will then show the user background. Meaning, the
> underlying code is indeed in LightDM. But hey, what do I know?
Canonical is still shipping 0011-add-background-file-support.patch, which adds a background-file property to ActUser. Probably they feel no need to switch to the extension interface because the patch is working fine for them.
(In reply to jeff from comment #5) -ubuntu from the
> To my knowledge, Canonicals contribution is only in Canonicals patched
> version of accountsservice. If I install accountsservice
> Arch AUR, LightDM will then show the user background. Meaning, the
> underlying code is indeed in LightDM. But hey, what do I know?
Canonical is still shipping 0011-add- background- file-support. patch, which adds a background-file property to ActUser. Probably they feel no need to switch to the extension interface because the patch is working fine for them.