flashing animation doesn't fold with icon

Bug #619344 reported by appi2012
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Fix Released
Gord Allott
unity (Ubuntu)
Fix Released

Bug Description

The flashing glow effect that appears when launching an application doesn't fold if the icon of that icon happens to fold in the launcher. For example, if I clicked on an app at the top of the launcher to start it, and then clicked on the workspace mode, and thus made the app's icon have to fold, the glow would not fold, and appear under other applications.

This is not a big deal, it doesn't happen that often, but it is a lack of polish.

Omer Akram (om26er)
Changed in unity:
status: New → Confirmed
Neil J. Patel (njpatel)
Changed in unity:
assignee: nobody → Gord Allott (gordallott)
importance: Undecided → Low
milestone: none → 2010-08-26
Revision history for this message
Gord Allott (gordallott) wrote :

Need Jay to enable support in clutk effects for rotation before i can work on this, assigning to him, but feel free to assign back once its up and running

Changed in unity:
assignee: Gord Allott (gordallott) → Jay Taoko (jaytaoko)
Revision history for this message
Gord Allott (gordallott) wrote :

also of note, same with the shadows, we just can't do anything about it until the effects can rotate (not clutter rotations, special rotations that we can get perspective correct like we have to with the launcher icons)

Neil J. Patel (njpatel)
Changed in unity:
milestone: 2010-08-26 → 2010-09-02
Neil J. Patel (njpatel)
Changed in unity:
milestone: 2010-09-02 → 2010-09-09
David Barth (dbarth)
Changed in unity:
milestone: 2010-09-09 → 2010-09-16
Changed in ayatana-design:
importance: Undecided → High
Neil J. Patel (njpatel)
Changed in unity:
milestone: 2010-09-16 → 2010-09-22
importance: Low → Medium
Changed in unity:
status: Confirmed → Fix Committed
assignee: Jay Taoko (jaytaoko) → Gord Allott (gordallott)
Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :
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This bug was fixed in the package unity - 0.2.42-0ubuntu1

unity (0.2.42-0ubuntu1) maverick; urgency=low

  * New upstream release:
    - "Applications" and "Files & Folders" tooltips are not translatable
      (LP: #644215)
    - Fix inactive menus are accessible on switching to a window (LP: #604505)
    - Fix wrong launcher tile label/quicklist x position (LP: #631446)
    - Fix highlighted items in quicklist have different widths (LP: #643315)
    - In migration tool, being safe when people are using crazy caracters in
      desktop file (LP: #644114, #635156)
    - Detect if 3D acceleration support is provided. Otherwise, prompt for
      logout and change default session (LP: #614088)
    - Fix quicklist shows hidden menu items (LP: #641543)
    - Fix removing launchers via dnd fails (LP: #643434)
    - Better launcher auto-scroll performances (LP: #640560)
    - Make the insensitive state of the forward- and back-button more obvious by
      decreasing their opacity, thus users don't assume they are actually
      clickable. (LP: #638285)
    - Fix some dialogs aren't maximized but are undecorated (LP: #628822)
    - Fix some menus don't go away when window closes (LP: #640557)
    - Fixes bug where the wrong icon where at times associated with a tile in
      the places view. (LP: #642935)
    - Speedup icon loading (LP: #641246)
    - Make trash menu items in Unity are either not translatable or translations
      are not loaded (LP: #645038)
    - Fix using dnd on launcher makes focus not work out of the unity ui
      (LP: #637123)
    - Multi-monitor support (LP: #637123)
    - Enable/disable super key by a gconf key (LP: #632581)
    - Remove glow on fold (LP: #619344)
    - Ensure we dont map windows when expose is active (LP: #599766)
    - take new indicator API for action for top-level dropdown menu item not
      activated (LP: #637692)
    - Make the home buttons reactive (LP: #638857)
    - Add red tint when search fails (LP: #607821)
    - New (and final!) UI adjustement, but UNE isn't in the doc as seen with
      the doc team (LP: #627009)
    - Single-touches on the launcher are usually interpreted as a drag
      (LP: #641328)
    - URI activation in global view (LP: #612562)
    - Clicking a Place icon while viewing the same place in the Dash should
      return to the Home screen of that place and clear the search (LP: #607829)
    - Fix mutter crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance() (LP: #641561)
    - Fix panel and menu item font colors don't match (LP: #637480)
    - Fix indicators have orange color (LP: #632975)
    - Fix inactive menus are accessible on switching to a window (LP: #604505)
    - Use semi-transparent rectangle around launcher-icon (LP: #643388)
    - Fix mutter crashes when closing pop-up dialog (LP: #642669)
    - Change launcher icon reference size loading (LP: #641669)
    - Fix mutter crashing in mumble start (LP: #641335)
    - Fix clicking on a category from CoFs does not directly take you to the
      desired category (LP: #638402)
    - Fix some menus don't go away when window closes (LP: #640557)
    - Launchers should act like if the application was not focussed ...


Changed in unity (Ubuntu):
status: New → Fix Released
Neil J. Patel (njpatel)
Changed in unity:
status: Fix Committed → Fix Released
affects: ayatana-design → null
Curtis Hovey (sinzui)
no longer affects: null
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