Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul Branch: master
commit f8f5495b4b690140ae737351f05a8a020861eb2a Author: David Ames <email address hidden> Date: Wed Apr 15 15:37:02 2020 -0700
Pass wait timeout all the way through to clients
Wait timeout is the non-interactive idle timeout setting. The default of 3600 is aligned to OpenStack's idle_timeout configuration default.
Proxy this value from the server to the client.
Depends-On: Ie2b2ad2856cbe1d830f1b7e674a2fb867d81de12 Change-Id: I0a40a65cdf1b618ec843bf872fe0b39866496e1c Closes-Bug: #1841063
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/720309 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ charm-mysql- router/ commit/ ?id=f8f5495b4b6 90140ae737351f0 5a8a020861eb2a
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: master
commit f8f5495b4b69014 0ae737351f05a8a 020861eb2a
Author: David Ames <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Apr 15 15:37:02 2020 -0700
Pass wait timeout all the way through to clients
Wait timeout is the non-interactive idle timeout setting. The default of
3600 is aligned to OpenStack's idle_timeout configuration default.
Proxy this value from the server to the client.
Depends-On: Ie2b2ad2856cbe1 d830f1b7e674a2f b867d81de12 8ec843bf872fe0b 39866496e1c
Change-Id: I0a40a65cdf1b61
Closes-Bug: #1841063