Although it does seem complicated, pcrisis works really well. It has a lot of functionality - once you come to grips with it, it is quite straigh-forward. I think the problem is that this seems like a simple thing when you first look at it, but once you begin to look at the details, it quickly becomes more complicated than you initially think. For example, the deliver-to filed is no good as this can vary depending on how you collect hour mail. All the mail I recieve via fetchmail has the same delivered-to header regardless of where it was retrieved from (i.e. sent to address). In fact, Im not sure you always have a delieverd-to header. One of the nice things about pcrisis is that your not restricted to just using various headers in mails you reply to. It is able to set headers based on the address your sending to - this is handy when you need to initiate a message to someone and want it to appear to have come form a specific mail adress. I use this from home when using VM and need to send person, work and list messages and want them to all appear distint (I don't want my personal email being circulated at work etc). If we did decide to integrate this sort of functionality into VM, we need to make sure it works regardless of the individual setup i.e. handle mixture of local and imap/pop, thunderbird mail boxes, multiple smtp servers, etc. While we might be able to build on pcrisis and/or borrow ideas from gnus (I like its posting-styles setup) or thunderbird, we need to also acknowledge that getting this right is not a quick or simple task. Tim On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 12:19 PM, Arik