This bug tracker is for errors with the documentation, use the following as a template and remove or add fields as you see fit. Convert [ ] into [x] to check boxes:
- [x] Some text in this page are invisible due to black color and black text.
----------------------------------- Release: 3.0.2.dev4 on 2017-07-03 15:31:10 SHA: 70a24cb009e3318c55ca94727f5f6325dc3c8db6 Source: URL:
This bug tracker is for errors with the documentation, use the following as a template and remove or add fields as you see fit. Convert [ ] into [x] to check boxes:
- [x] Some text in this page are invisible due to black color and black text.
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- c55ca94727f5f63 25dc3c8db6 /opendev. org/openstack/ watcher/ src/doc/ source/ install/ install- rdo.rst /docs.openstack .org/watcher/ train/install/ install- rdo.html
Release: 3.0.2.dev4 on 2017-07-03 15:31:10
SHA: 70a24cb009e3318
Source: https:/
URL: https:/