Just installed release 10.10 (rev 197) and there was no permission denied. Repeating rev 236 test to confirm that this is a regression (rule out any variation due to 'rebooting windows'.) Confirmed regression: I only get this permission denied with 11.10. 10.10's log looks like this (so it is also trying to hit the Q: drive): 09-29 15:11 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running create_preseed... 09-29 15:11 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished create_preseed 09-29 15:11 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running modify_bootloader... 09-29 15:11 DEBUG TaskList: New task modify_bcd 09-29 15:11 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running modify_bcd... 09-29 15:11 DEBUG WindowsBackend: modify_bcd Drive(C: hd 234451.042969 mb free ntfs) 09-29 15:11 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi VistaBootDrive {06eb1e43-eae8-11e0-b3af-543211c77614} 09-29 15:11 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished modify_bcd 09-29 15:11 DEBUG TaskList: New task modify_bcd 09-29 15:11 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running modify_bcd... 09-29 15:11 DEBUG WindowsBackend: modify_bcd Drive(F: hd 12320.453125 mb free ntfs) 09-29 15:11 DEBUG WindowsBackend: BCD has already been modified 09-29 15:11 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished modify_bcd 09-29 15:11 DEBUG TaskList: New task modify_bcd 09-29 15:11 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running modify_bcd... 09-29 15:11 DEBUG WindowsBackend: modify_bcd Drive(Q: hd 0.0 mb free ) 09-29 15:11 DEBUG WindowsBackend: BCD has already been modified 09-29 15:11 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished modify_bcd 09-29 15:11 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished modify_bootloader And 11.10 like this: 09-29 15:38 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished create_swap_diskimage 09-29 15:38 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running modify_bootloader... 09-29 15:38 DEBUG TaskList: New task modify_bcd 09-29 15:38 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running modify_bcd... 09-29 15:38 DEBUG WindowsBackend: modify_bcd Drive(C: hd 234444.207031 mb free ntfs) 09-29 15:38 DEBUG registry: Setting registry key -2147483646 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Wubi VistaBootDrive {06eb1e44-eae8-11e0-b3af-543211c77614} 09-29 15:38 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished modify_bcd 09-29 15:38 DEBUG TaskList: New task modify_bcd 09-29 15:38 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running modify_bcd... 09-29 15:38 DEBUG WindowsBackend: modify_bcd Drive(F: hd 12320.453125 mb free ntfs) 09-29 15:38 DEBUG WindowsBackend: BCD has already been modified 09-29 15:38 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished modify_bcd 09-29 15:38 DEBUG TaskList: New task modify_bcd 09-29 15:38 DEBUG TaskList: ### Running modify_bcd... 09-29 15:38 DEBUG WindowsBackend: modify_bcd Drive(Q: hd 0.0 mb free ) 09-29 15:38 DEBUG WindowsBackend: BCD has already been modified 09-29 15:38 DEBUG TaskList: ### Finished modify_bcd 09-29 15:38 DEBUG TaskList: ## Finished modify_bootloader 09-29 15:38 DEBUG TaskList: ## Running diskimage_bootloader... 09-29 15:38 DEBUG WindowsBackend: Copying C:\Users\bcbc\AppData\Local\Temp\pylCF8F.tmp\winboot -> C:\ubuntu\winboot 09-29 15:38 ERROR TaskList: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'Q:\\wubildr' Traceback (most recent call last): File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\tasklist.py", line 197, in __call__ File "\lib\wubi\backends\win32\backend.py", line 482, in diskimage_bootloader File "\lib\shutil.py", line 39, in copyfile IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'Q:\\wubildr' 09-29 15:38 DEBUG TaskList: # Cancelling tasklist 09-29 15:38 DEBUG TaskList: # Finished tasklist 09-29 15:38 ERROR root: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'Q:\\wubildr' Traceback (most recent call last): File "\lib\wubi\application.py", line 57, in run File "\lib\wubi\application.py", line 131, in select_task File "\lib\wubi\application.py", line 157, in run_installer File "\lib\wubi\backends\common\tasklist.py", line 197, in __call__ File "\lib\wubi\backends\win32\backend.py", line 482, in diskimage_bootloader File "\lib\shutil.py", line 39, in copyfile IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'Q:\\wubildr'