Ok first of all: I used Debian testing (Lenny) and experienced the bug with the stuck keys and the bug with the Synaptics Touchpad being jumpy and unusable. In the end I became so mad at Debian (while reading bug reports everywhere and no solution helped) that I decided to wipe it off my hard disk and give the new Fedora 9 a try. Fedora 9 worked (except that its "totally different") fine - until today after I installed some packages: when I set up my Gnome to be like it used to be in Debian, I installed the > gnome-applet-sensors < today in college... I noticed that when I added it to the menu-bar that the whole system locked up some seconds and behaved weird... some minutes later the Touchpad started jumping again and being unusable... and I was like "Great! -.-" So since it wasn't the only package I installed today I first thought it might have been the xhotkeys package I installed earlier, but removing it didn't help and I even got the stuck keys bug again x.x So I digged deeper into it and looked into yum into my update history (see at the end of this post) and uninstalled them all step by step. After uninstalling the gnome sensors applet I didn't experience the stuck keys bug anymore and my Touchpad is useable again. So could it be that the gnome-sensors-applet (which was set to update its sensors every second in Debian (which made me have those 2 bugs all the time - and which was set to update every 5 sec in Fedora, which made the bug appear less often) requests the update from the Kernel but due to bad ACPI Tables (DSDT) it locks the kernel for some seconds which makes it "drop" key release signals and makes it lose the Touchpad sync??? Could it all be an ACPI problem??? (I thought it in Debian as well but didn't think of this solution!) Can someone else test it and verify if he experiences the same after removing the gnome-applet-sensors?? I haven't experienced that bug since I removed it (!) - even though I know I removed some other packages as well the bug was still there until I removed this applet. Uninstalled the following packages I assume which may lock the Kernel: - gnome-applet-sensors - lm_sensors which also removed the following dependencies: - net-snmp-libs - hplip - hpijs - net-snmp Note: removing lm_sensors is probably not necessary, because removing the sensors applet from the toolbar already had the effect for me that the touchpad was no more jumpy (which means that the Kernel didn't lose any sync of bytes => doesn't miss key release signals) Version history (just in case the packages above are not involved - removing the ones (except for the ones marked with (s) which I still have installed) did work out for me!!: packages installed and experienced the bug after (uninstalled them all again - all packages are i386, used amd64 on Debian): gai-0.5.10-14.fc9 (*) gai-temp-0.1.1-9 (*) aircrack-ng- (s) xhotkeys- (*) python-xlib-0.13-3.fc7 (*) ghex-2.22.0-1 (s) avahi-tools-0.6.22-10.fc9 (*) crystalsvg-icon-theme-4.0.3.fc9 (**) OpenEXR-libs-1.6.1-3.fc9 wlassistant-0.5.7-7.fc9 kdelibs3-3.5.9-8.fc9 kde-filesystem-4.14.fc9 ilmbase-1.0.1-2.fc9 arts-8:1.5.9-2.fc9 oxygen-icon-theme-4.0.3-10.fc9 (**) kde-settings-4.0.23.fc9 kdelibs-common-6:4.0.3-7.fc9 system-config-boot-0.2.20-1.fc9 (s) xsupplicant- system-config-lvm-1.1.4-1.0.fc9 (s) * = uninstalled immediately after trying out so not responsible s = still installed and no bug occured yet ** = should be harmless - doesn't contain any executable