making use of pack.randomDensePack to fill up a predicate gives the following warning:
WARN /build/buildd/yade-daily-3+3463+44~precise1/pkg/dem/SpherePack.cpp:107 makeCloud: porosity must be >0, changing it for you. It will be ineffective if rMean>0.
WARN /build/buildd/yade-daily-3+3463+44~precise1/pkg/dem/TriaxialCompressionEngine.cpp:110 action: This engine is deprecated, please switch to TriaxialStressController if you expect long term support.
/usr/lib/yade-daily/py/yade/pack.py:288: FutureWarning: The default behavior will change; specify returnSpherePack=True for the new behavior, and False to get rid of this warning (your code will break in the future, however). The returned SpherePack object can be added to the simulation using SpherePack.toSimulation()
warnings.warn('The default behavior will change; specify returnSpherePack=True for the new behavior, and False to get rid of this warning (your code will break in the future, however). The returned SpherePack object can be added to the simulation using SpherePack.toSimulation()',category=FutureWarning)
Does this method need an update?
"This engine is deprecated, please switch to TriaxialStressController if you expect long term support."
the method works as supposed but the warning is annoying.
I attached a minimum working example this time ;)
Thanks, Eugen
There is an other thing I don't understand with this method.
Following [1] it is possible to save created packings in a database. This way they will be taken from there if the same packing shall be created again.
For using this you need to set 'memoizeDb' to the name (path) of the database.
Obviously [2] this only works for spheresInCell>0 that is periodic packings. If I understand this point right periodic packings are related to simulations with periodic boundary conditions?
Why is it not possible to reload packings in not periodic simulations?
--- /www.yade- dem.org/ doc/yade. pack.html? highlight= randomdensepack #yade.pack. randomDensePack /www.yade- dem.org/ doc/_modules/ yade/pack. html#randomDens ePack