Comment 2 for bug 1310598

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Zakhar (alainb06) wrote : Re: AppArmor fails to parse mounts with UTF-8 non-ascii characters

You are very right Seth.

There could also be a "cleaner" method to get mounts via some system calls instead of relying on a reading (pseudo) file. I say they "could" because I never needed that in any of my programs, so didn't investigate the topic.

If the only/easier way is to read a file (/proc/mount), there could be a quick fix for 99% of UTF-8/ASCII users to change the reading mode to UTF-8 (which encompasses ASCII), then a cleaner and probably much time consuming solution to do it properly considering the locale for the non UTF-8/ASCII users.

Wether you chose to do the quick (not totally clean) fix or not is your call.


P.S.: by the way, I'm almost sure that if you have an English/American standard Trusty install you DO use UTF-8 in your locale. So the bug exists. The only thing is that you do not trigger it because you probably do not have mounts with characters out of the ASCII 32-127 range. So in this case, it works "by chance", because reading ASCII and UTF-8 is the same for codepoints in 32-127!
So you should really consider the quick fix: having UTF-8 as default, then work on a more stable fix.