Comment 3 for bug 1649302

Revision history for this message
Vincas Dargis (talkless) wrote :

I have experienced same problem on Kubuntu 16.04.

aa-logprof asked if to add ptrace for firefox:
Profile: /usr/lib/firefox/firefox{,*[^s][^h]}
Access mode: trace
Peer: /usr/lib/firefox/firefox\{,\*\[^s\]\[^h\]\}

 [1 - ptrace trace peer=/usr/lib/firefox/firefox\{,\*\[^s\]\[^h\]\},]
(A)llow / [(D)eny] / (I)gnore / Audi(t) / Abo(r)t / (F)inish

I allowed, and after this line appeared in usr.bin.firefox profile:
trace trace peer=/usr/lib/firefox/firefox\{,\*\[^s\]\[^h\]\},

I get this "sre_constants.error: unbalanced parenthesis at position 59"