Comment 29 for bug 1599453

Revision history for this message
Stephen Boddy (stephen-j-boddy) wrote :

Braden, are you pulling the new branch I attached to this bug report? You make the suggestion about setting the notebook header to use dark_bg_color, and I've already done that. The Terminator tabs under Ambiance are now identical to the GNOME-Terminal ones, not just similar.

Your scrollbar css was helpful, I can at least get a satisfactory looking scrollbar using it :-) Unfortunately, as you've realised, that only works for a single profile colour/alpha combination. This is why my plan changed to modifying the background of the parent HBox widget. That is much more simple and avoids trying to modifying the scrollbars that have more complicated css. It currently still requires creating per profile css fragments to handle the colour/alpha combos, and modifying the HBox class name on reconfigure. If I could figure a way to modify *individual instances* of a widget, I could use the terminal reconfigure function to copy from the vte settings to the HBox, avoiding having per profile css. But like I say, every single damn function that does it simply is marked as depreacted in the gtk docs. Grrrr.

I'm aware of breakage going on in the prefs window. I just wanted to get it looking good in the main window before I start refining it down to not modify other ones. Admittedly I hadn't thought to use inheritence like you show, so that's useful.

Based on this I've...
Committed revision 1646.

Which fixes prefs, and adds the theme specific Radiance file to give GNOME-Terminal like tabs.