Comment 17 for bug 895030

Revision history for this message
WoRmINaToR (worminator) wrote :

This isn't working for me... unless i'm doing something wrong.

I have Only one entry for AnimToInfantry, and that is JOSH (the monkey).I kept GENDEATH with MakeInfantry=0, but i also added MakeInfantry=0 to NUKEDIE. I HAVE NOT used the special InfDeathAnim= value, but rather I had a Desolator kill an infantry. Yes, it created a monkey, but rather than it being owned by the invoker (like the brute mutation does), it was just neutral. I added MakeInfantryOwner=invoker to NUKEDIE (you said you wired it to the animation in artmd.ini, right?), but nothing happened. Still neutral monkeys.