Comment 0 for bug 1088696

Revision history for this message
Francis Ginther (fginther) wrote :

The bamf integration tests do not cleanup the dbus-daemon process. This results in two process left open after every bamf build on the jenkins autolanding environment. This may be a contributing factor to some test failures as the builds tend to be more successful after cleaning up these dbus-daemon processes on the build machines. The processes look like this:

# ps -ef|grep dbus-daemon
1234 13257 1 0 22:04 ? 00:00:00 //bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --session
1234 13854 1 0 22:04 ? 00:00:00 //bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 4 --print-address 6 --session