Comment 2 for bug 1512711

Revision history for this message
Thomas Morin (tmmorin-orange) wrote :

This does not work however:

stack@tm-devstack01:~$ source openrc admin admin
stack@tm-devstack01:~$ neutron bgpvpn-create --route-targets 64512:77 --tenant-id cc432618b9fa4275b324346b9f8a4398
Created a new bgpvpn:
| Field | Value |
| auto_aggregate | True |
| export_targets | |
| id | 40fd4ad6-aac7-46c3-ada1-ac6c92d7ccf8 |
| import_targets | |
| name | |
| networks | |
| route_distinguishers | |
| route_targets | 64512:77 |
| tenant_id | cc432618b9fa4275b324346b9f8a4398 |
| type | l3 |
stack@tm-devstack01:~$ neutron bgpvpn-net-assoc-create 40fd4ad6-aac7-46c3-ada1-ac6c92d7ccf8 --network netfoo
Not authorized.

So the admin can do an association, but has to do that in the context of the tenant.
Is is an issue ?