Comment 9 for bug 1939389

Revision history for this message
Gabriel Samfira (gabriel-samfira) wrote : Re: Missing [nova] section in cinder.conf

The deployment is single region, with OpenStack Victoria. The config, apart from the [nova] section I added, is the one generated by the juju charms.

I created a template for victoria, which is a copy o the Queens config, with the following section added:

{% include "parts/keystone-authtoken" %}

Ant the contents of that parts file is:

# Authentication type to load (string value)
auth_type = password

# Authentication URL (string value)
auth_url = {{ auth_protocol }}://{{ auth_host }}:{{ auth_port }}

# Username (string value)
username = {{ admin_user }}

# User's password (string value)
password = {{ admin_password }}

# Project name to scope to (string value)
project_name = {{ admin_tenant_name }}

{% if admin_domain_name -%}
project_domain_name = {{ admin_domain_name }}
user_domain_name = {{ admin_domain_name }}
{% else -%}
project_domain_name = default
user_domain_name = default
{% endif -%}

{% if ca_cert_path -%}
# PEM encoded Certificate Authority to use when verifying
# HTTPs connections. (string value)
cafile = {{ ca_cert_path }}
{% endif -%}

region_name = {{ region }}

After a charm upgrade, the error was gone, and volumes were properly refreshed. Not sure if there is anything that is missing.