Comment 8 for bug 1611082

Revision history for this message
Rafael David Tinoco (rafaeldtinoco) wrote :

Hello James,

I'm creating and destroying this deployment every day (trying to reproduce other bug). For this particular error, the environment was created a few hours before using:

$ cat ceph-osd.yaml
    source: 'cloud:trusty-proposed/kilo'
    osd-devices: /dev/vdb
    osd-reformat: "yes"

juju deploy --config=$CONFIGDIR/ceph-osd.yaml --to $tkcompute01 cs:trusty/ceph-osd ;
juju add-unit --to $tkcompute02 ceph-osd ; sleep 5
cmd juju add-unit --to $tkcompute03 ceph-osd ; sleep 5