Comment 0 for bug 1509267

Revision history for this message
james beedy (jamesbeedy) wrote : Assert_libvirt_imagebackend_allowed passes incorrect package to get_os_codename_package

Happening in nova-compute trunk from charm store.

This error occurs when the ceph-relation-joined hook executes, and happens because the package name 'nova-compute' that gets passed to get_os_version_package from assert_libvirt_imagebackend_allowed doesn't match the package name 'nova-common' used in PACKAGE_CODENAMES in charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.utils. This also happens in part due to the incorrect indexing into OPENSTACK_PACKAGES in the nested else clause in get_os_version_package.

*** To replicate this issue, add a relation from nova-compute to ceph.

*** To remedy this issue I have corrected the package name being passed to get_os_version_package in, and touched up the indexing and parsing in charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.utils.