Comment 11 for bug 1318504

Revision history for this message
Daniel Manrique (roadmr) wrote :

Bumping to critical as this is seriously blocking us. The good news is, I produced a good set of debugging information.

How I came to this situation:

- started canonical-certification-client
- selected certification whitelist, didn't deselect any jobs
- went through the list until I hit the reboot job, rebooted.
- upon reboot, I restarted c-c-client, selected "rerun last job" (in order to mark the reboot test as passed).

At this point, c-c-client shows an unrelated test (submission-resources) in the bottom bar, and gets stuck there. A message about dbus replies (as seen in original report) is shown.

I killed everything, restarted c-c-client, and selected "continue" this time, and this time it got stuck on esata/storage-test. Interestingly, esata/storage-test depends on esata/insert, which I skipped manually because this system has no sata. Also, miscellanea/submission-resources (from my first run) has a failed dependency (info/requirements, fails by design). So a first theory is that this happens when the job to be run has a dependency that didn't run.

Anyway, I'm attaching the plainbox debug log (I produced it by disabling the service file, then manually running checkbox -D -C service in a terminal), the console log from checkbox-gui, and the archived session that led to this problem.