Comment 0 for bug 1082001

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MC Return (mc-return) wrote : Grid/Expo: Grid resized windows via keyboard shortcuts confuse Expo and jump around from workspace to workspace

[Test Case]

1. Open a window
2. Hit "Ctrl+Alt+Numpad3" to resize it via Grid (for example Firefox)
3. Open any other window (for example a terminal)
4. Trigger Expo (via Launcher's Workspace Switcher icon or by hitting "Super+S" for example)
5. Now drag the "non-gridded" second window (terminal in our case here) to another workspace/viewport

What you would expect to happen:

The terminal window should now be on the new viewport. The other window should not change position.

What actually happens:

No matter on which workspace the terminal window is dragged to, the *gridded* window follows.
Wait, it gets even better:
If you try to switch the workspace without dragging a window, the *gridded* window will follow you, whereever you go.
If you resize multiple windows via Grid all will follow you from workspace to workspace.

Note 1: I have tested this in a virtual machine with a vanilla default up-to-date installation of Raring also, to make sure non-default settings are not causing this problem.

Note 2: This bug makes using Grid in combination with Expo (which are both enabled by default on Ubuntu) completely unusable and should have high priority.

Note 3: You have to resize the windows via keyboard-grid to trigger this bug, mouse-resized *gridded* windows seem to be unaffected.