Comment 16 for bug 1192376

Revision history for this message
BryanFRitt (bryanfritt) wrote :

I tried
bzr merge
and got
ERROR: Working tree [tree] has uncommitted changes (See bzr status)

bzr status
pending merge tips: (use -v to see all merge revisions)
  Sam Spilsbury 2013-06-23 [merge] Only mark for no further instantiations...

bzr pull
Using saved parent location:
bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged. Use the missing command to see how.
Use the merge command to reconcile them.

bzr missing
You have 1 extra revision
You are missing 2 revisions

bzr commit
modified plugins/decor/src/compiz-decorator
modified src/plugin.cpp
Commit message was not edited, use anyway? ([y]es, [n]o): no
bzr: ERROR: Empty commit message specified. Please specify a commit message with either --message or --file or leave a blank message with --message "".

I didn't make any changes to plugin.cpp.
I've only modified the ./plugins/decor/src/compiz-decorator file.
How can I set it so that it accepts any changes others have made, so I can commit, etc... my changes?