Comment 14 for bug 1236979

Revision history for this message
Kathy Lussier (klussier) wrote :

Thank you for all your work on this Mike and Liam! I've looked at this on a master and 2.4 server that has loaded the code. The improved performance is remarkable.

On the master server, I performed a pre-test looking at the feed by item age for a branch, system and consortium and noting down the exact order of the results. After the branch was loaded, I looked at the same pages to verify that the same titles were being returned in the same order.

In most cases, the results were the same. However, there were two titles that didn't display in the proper order. This testing was done on a development server, and no copies were added, deleted or otherwise changed between the pre- and post-tests.

In my pre-test, when I went to, the 10th title on the page (the one that follows How to train a train) was for The New Yorker (record 748134). However, it doesn't show up on this page after the code is loaded.

For all of the bibs you see on this page, the most recent copy in the consortium has a create date of 12/5/2013. For the missing record, there are several copies that also have a create date of 12/5/2013.

The New Yorker title does eventually show up in the feed, see towards the bottom of However, the title that appears above it, Better homes and gardens, doesn't have any copies created on 12/5/2013. Instead, the most recent copy has a create date of 12/4/2013, so one would expect it to display before the New Yorker title.

We see something similar at In the pre-test, Adbusters (record 1361399) displayed after Maureen O'Hara : the biography. The most recent copy on that record had a create date of 12/5/2013. I never did find that title further down in the feed for the consortium. However, I was able to pull it up easily on the feed for its owning branch -

I don't know if its relevant that both problem records were for serials.

If there is anything I can do to help troubleshoot this further, let me know!