Comment 9 for bug 1322285

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Ben Shum (bshum) wrote :

Hi Dan,

I'm not sure why the 2.6-2.7.0 version upgrade script seems to think that it starts from where the 2.6.2-2.6.3 script left off. Since it's not present in the branch for tags/rel_2_7_0, I would not have expected that. But honestly I no longer have the VM I used to create the 2.7.0 tarball and cannot verify what variable I passed for the make_release script for the immediate preceding version.

I don't see where the fixes in 2.6.2-2.6.3 would be rolled back by the 2.6-2.7.0 upgrade if one were to run the 2.6.2-2.6.3 first, then the 2.6-2.7.0 later. From a glance, it doesn't seem that the 2.6-2.7.0 upgrade touches any of those missing numbered scripts or functions? But maybe I'm misunderstanding...

If it does work to run 2.6.2-2.6.3 first, then perhaps we should forward port that version upgrade script to the rel_2_7 branch (so that the chain is properly aligned again), and then we should change the 2.6-2.7.0 upgrade script to be exactly 2.6.3-2.7.0, since that's where it seems to want to leave off.

Version upgrades are so messy :(

Thanks for testing this out and finding the problem Dan. Let's work on a resolution soon.