Comment 1 for bug 1615714

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Jane Sandberg (sandbergja) wrote :

Here are two more examples I found through grepping for buttons that contain no text, aria-label attribute, or title attribute.

Administration interface
* [X] buttons in Administration > Workstation Administration > Stored Preferences

Throughout the Web client
* downward caret icon that toggles the column picker dropdown

As far as solutions go, I happened to notice a text-less button that seems really nicely labeled for a screen-reader. In the MARC Editor, there are buttons that open up the authority linking interface. Each of these <button> tags has a nice aria-label attribute "Manage authority record links". I'm away from my computer with NVDA on it, but I suspect that this would be very helpful to folks using NVDA with various browsers.

Side note: some of these buttons might also benefit from a title attribute, which would provide some explanation of the button when a user hovers their mouse over it. As an example, I didn't intuitively grasp the purpose of the title picker downward caret button the first time I saw the Web client.