Comment 17 for bug 1715697

Revision history for this message
Scott Thomas (scott-thomas-9) wrote :

Here is a first pass on how we think this should work:

1. Library / Barcode, Volumes, and Copies columns should be added to the grid. Under Library / Barcode, the grid should display all org units that reside at or below the org unit selected in "Show holdings at or below." They should display even if they have no volumes or copies. (See questions below.)The Volumes and Copies columns will display the number of said items.

2. For empty libraries, selecting one of the lines on the grid will allow you to invoke "Add Volumes / Copies" via right-click or the Actions dropdown. You will have more options with populated libraries.

3. When Add Volumes / Copies opens, the Owning Library will default to the library selected in the previous step.

4. Relevant copy selections will default to the library selected in the previous step.


1. Is Show Empty Volumes in Webby different from Hide Empty Libraries in XUL?

2. Is there still a need for the Limit feature that exists in XUL or is "at or below" sufficient?