Comment 11 for bug 1878984

Revision history for this message
Janet Schrader (jschrader) wrote :

I tested this on the Equinox Test Server 2. I used the existing merge/overlay profile Keep 490 that has preserve 490 and 901. In case anyone wants to look, I loaded the file "CW Series statements", 5 records each with a 490 field. Then I loaded "CW Test Keep 490 merge profile", the same five records with no 490 fields and each with a new 500 field. The TCNs are 268-272.

I can confirm that the series statements were preserved.

But there is a quirk I wasn't expecting. In the queue you can click in the row to open the record. This opens the record as it appears in the queue, not necessarily as it appears in the database. If you have overlayed a record you only see the updated record if you click on the number in the "imported as" column. In other words there are three different versions of the record depending on how you open it.

In the current Vandelay, there is a column to see the record as it existed in the queue you loaded before it got into the database. If there are matches the link to the match shows the most updated version of the record. It's more obvious a merge/overlay profile worked.
