Comment 15 for bug 1904036

Revision history for this message
Lindsay Stratton (lstratton) wrote :

Patron search - search results grid missing column headers

 - Active
 - Alert Message
 - Barred
 - claims Never Checked Out Count
 - Claims Returned Count
 - Current Library Card (id; necessary?)
 - Daytime Phone
 - Email Address
 - Evening Phone
 - Family Linkage or other Group (id; useful?)
 - Home Library
 - Internet Access Level (id; display label more useful)
 - Is Deleted
 - Is Group Lead Account
 - Is Super User
 - Juvenile
 - Last Transaction Id (useful?)
 - Mailing Address (useful?)
 - Main (Profile) Permission Group (duplicates Profile option)
 - Name Keyword internal tsvector (useful??)
 - Name Keywords
 - OPAC/Staff Client Holds Alias (shorten?)
 - OPAC/Staff Client User Name
 - Other Phone
 - Parent/Guardian
 - Password (empty; not useful)
 - Photo URL
 - Physical Address (useful?)
 - Preferred First Name
 - Preferred Last Name
 - Preferred Middle Name
 - Preferred Prefix
 - Preferred Suffix
 - Prefix/Title
 - Primary ID
 - Primary ID Type (id; display label more useful?)
 - Privilege Expiration Date
 - Record Last Update Time
 - Secondary ID
 - Secondary ID Type (id; display label more useful?)
 - Standing (unused) (displays id; remove if not used)
 - Suffix
 - User Credit Balance (not able to select of no credit balance?)