Comment 16 for bug 1904036

Revision history for this message
John Amundson (jamundson) wrote :

More Testing:

Patron Record
-"Alerts and Messages" tab does not appear by default when opening a patron record with transactions that should cause the screen to appear. Further testing shows that the auto-display is sporadic maybe? Anyone else seeing weird behavior?

Items Out tab
- If setting is enabled to have LOST items display in "Items Checked Out" subtab, then its overdue color-coding is not present (See 99999311521 - BR3 workstation).

Holds tab
- "Title" is not a default column.
- Action to "Retrieve Patron" is unnecessary.
- Detail View - "Request Date" should display time in addition to date.
- No way to "Un-cancel" hold from "Recently Canceled Holds" subtab.
- Error Retrieving Results when attempting to sort by the "Status" column.
- "Part Label" column should be renamed to simply "Part".

Bills tab
- Color-coding is not present (dark red - lost, light red - overdue/accruing fines, ?? - long overdue?). The status column is also missing for color-impaired users.
- "Last Payment Time" column should include time in addition to date.
- Column options missing many columns. Missing columns important for CW MARS - Owning Library, Checkout/Renewal Library.
- If you use "Add Billing" or "Adjust to Zero" from the Actions menu, the Patron Summary and Tab label do not refresh with the new amounts.
- Bill Detail View - Transaction summary missing links to Billing Location (i.e. and Title.
- Bill Detail View missing "Item Summary" section of the screen, showing item barcode, owning library, etc.
- Bill Detail View - Details subtab - Headers on "Bills" and "Payments" tables completely missing.
- Bill Detail View - Details subtab - "Voiding Staff Member" and "Accepting User" columns show User ID instead of username.
- Date selector doesn't work in Bills - History - Payments subtab.

Check In
- Transit slip pop-up displays term "checkin.destination" instead of something human-readable. JS displayed "Destination"
- Transit slip pop-up does not appear to be displaying hold addresses. Checked in an item for BR4, JS displayed address but Angular did not.
- Effective Date calendar dropdown should have a way to choose today's today or to clear the date. Only other way to clear the effective date is to refresh the page.

- Saving grid settings on Angular pages messes up grids in JS. For example, saving the display for the "Holds" tab results in just the "Status" column appearing in JS.