Comment 17 for bug 1904036

Revision history for this message
John Amundson (jamundson) wrote (last edit ):

[Edited - fixed typos]

Patron Search
- Searches using DOB Month or DOB Day run indefinitely.
- Unable to open up a patron record in new tab. In JS, you can ctrl+click to open up the top links in a new tab, allowing to open up multiple patrons from the same search.
- While in Patron Search, you can't access Circulation (Experimental) > Patron Search to replace the screen with a new Patron Search. This also happens with Check In, (and potentially other pages).

Patron Registration/Edit
- If you attempt to navigate from the Edit tab without saving changes, you are prompted to continue. If you try to navigate to the Bills tab, however, the prompt appears, but then it disappears before it can be interacted with.
- Odd behavior with requiredness of Email Address. Steps to reproduce: 1. Set Email Notify to True and enter in an email address. 2. Save the record. 3. Retrieve the record again. Remove the email address - Save button greys out. 4. Uncheck Email Notify. Note the Save button still doesn't work.
- Checkmarking Phone / SMS does not require a phone number or SMS number respectively. Entering an SMS number doesn't require an SMS carrier.
- Prompt to update hold notifications generally works, but if you attempt to update SMS number, the prompt for that portion is blank, and the SMS number does not update. If you update SMS carrier, you are prompted with something like the following: "A carrier other than "Cincinnati Bell" is currently used in 3 hold(s). Update to "Aliant"?" I think both quoted areas should be the new carrier. It doesn't make sense otherwise. In this example, they should both be "Aliant".
- In JS Edit, replacing the barcode would automatically inactivate the previous barcode. This no longer happens.
- If you click to delete an address and then add a new address, the new address fields prepopulate with the old address
- Alert messages added here are not displaying in the patron summary. They are also displaying awkwardly on the Stop Sign page.
- When using the "Save and Clone" feature, the new patron is created with a blank barcode. It is almost impossible to update the barcode from the blank one. I also cannot seem to do much else with the cloned patron record - I attempted to check out material and add a bill without success.
- In the "Secondary Groups" modal, the "Apply Changes" button does not work.

Check Out
- If an item has an alert and there is any other type of alert that occurs at Check Out, (for example, over fine limit, copy not allowed to circ, etc), then the item alert text doesn't display. Instead the following does:
The requested copy has an alert message attached"

Group Member Details
- Many of the headers are missing. Only visible ones are "Balance Owed", "Items Out", "Items Overdue" and "Barcode"

Patron Record
- Patron Summary should use 4 digit years instead of 2 digit years. For example, Date of Birth - 01/01/19. Were they born in 1919 or 2019?

Check In
- The first item to be checked in that both has fines and needs to transit will produce the monstrosity of a display that you see attached. Subsequent fines/transits do not seem to do this. This also sometimes seems to happen if the item has an alert attached.
- I know this is an existing bug, but it would be really nice if "Retrieve Last Patron Who Circulated Item" opened up the patron record in a new tab.
- "Update Inventory" Checkin Modifier does not appear to update Inventory Date or Inventory Workstation.
- The "Alert Message" field should not display by default. It is deprecated in the web client.
- Checkin Modifiers "Suppress Holds and Transits", "Auto-print hold and transit slips" and "Update Inventory" are not sticky. All the other ones are.
- Action "Mark Item Damaged" fails silently.
- Missing action to "Mark Items Discard/Weed".

- Item Alerts Manager in Angular does not display the alert type. It is always blank.
- "Capture Holds" screen does not appear to work at all. Nothing happens after entering a barcode and clicking "Submit".
- Browser tabs should be renamed for better usability
-- "Checkin Items" update to "Check In"
-- "Patron: L Name, F Name" updated to "L Name, F Name"
-- "Manage Patrons" updated to "Patron Search"