Comment 10 for bug 518230

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Donald Henry (donaldhenry6) wrote :

Donald Henry wrote on 2010-04-14

My IRS Form 1040A appeared as a print preview of the actual document to send to the IRS. But neither printing it nor saving it on my computer and printer cannot be done. I already know that printing to paper and to file cannot be done from previous experience. So, once this problem report is complete and sent the developers, I will attempt to troubleshoot that issue using a technique sent to me by a Ubuntu volunteer (engineer?). External to this issue is that the IRS electronic forms program known as FreeFile produced by a contractor has yet to reveal to me how to e-file my completed tax return to the IRS. It seems to me that completing a simple tax return by pen on a paper IRS form and mailing it via USPS is a lot easier than doing it via computer and electronic filing over telecommunications lines. A lesson here for all of us is that using a computer to prepare and print/save/file/send anything one time takes much longer to learn and perform than doing it by pre-computer hand method. Tax return programs, for example, are only useful for persons who have no arithmetic ability and/or have a need for the program to interpret the tax code and fill in a space on a form for an uneducated taxpayer. That is not an issue with Linux Ubuntu, I will admit, but I am spending a lot of time using this platform after recently have been persuaded that Linux Ubuntu is better that Windows XP. ( as wll as learning how to complete a simple form according to a government contractor's computerized program.)