Comment 281 for bug 973096

Revision history for this message
Jean-Paul Argudo (jean-paul) wrote :

Ubuntu Precise 64, (Kubuntu to be precise)

nvidia driver version 304.43-0ubuntu1~precise~xup1

Two 560 ti in SLI (3 displays)

It happens quite randomly, but at least once a day.

I attach today's xlog error.

I may add I have severe issues with flashplayer too for some time, quite the same has those X crashes (lets say 2 months now)

1/Videos "tainted in blue"

Corrected thanks to this special config:

$ cat /etc/adobe/mms.cfg

2/ Overlays : I could see a youtube video playing like in the xroot, on any one of the virtual desktop, or even some text above the video, for example libreoffice's one...

Corrected thanks to this:

 $ grep VDPAU /usr/bin/firefox

(put that in the file at the beggining for example, or make this config system-wide (useless in my case, one user, one browser ... ))

I can provide lot more information if asked. PLease ring my bell.
