Comment 59 for bug 112511

Revision history for this message
Neatchee (neatchee) wrote :

Trausch and I have updated packages available on his website for Pidgin 2.1.0 We have i386 and AMD64 packages available, along with a plethora of plugins. You can grab them from (see below for more information on what packages are done)

In an attempt to get this moving towards an official backport I'm going to try and get a handle on where we are with all related packages that have been presented in this bug report...

Packages built and tested for i386 and AMD64 (available at

   pidgin, pidgin-data, pidgin-dev, pidgin-dbg, libotr2, libotr2-dev, pidgin-otr, pidgin-guifications, pidgin-extprefs, pidgin-hotkeys, purple-plugin-pack, pidgin-blinklight, pidgin-lrvp, pidgin-libnotify, nautilus-sendto, gaim-xfire

**Notes -
    1. Many of these packages also have accompanying dummy transitional packages.
    2. nautilus-sendto was compiled from a source build that is in testing, but awaiting upload to the Debian FTP (at which point it will move to stable), with an additional patch for transition from gaim to pidgin
    3. gaim-xfire is built from the most recent snapshot available at It has not been thoroughly tested, but works cleanly as far as I can tell.

Packages that have been abandoned by their maintainer:

  gaim-autoprofile, festival-gaim, gaim-xmms-remote (only activity in the past 289 was to move the newest version from testing to stable, but this package still does not support pidgin, so I'm going to assume it's abandoned unless I hear otherwise)

Other packages:

  gaim-encryption has been upgraded to pidgin-encryption and included in gutsy, however our attempts to backport have been unsuccessful. pidgin-encryption requires libnspr4-dev to build (libnspr-dev fails), which in turn requires libnss3-dev (libnss-dev fails), which conflicts with the entire Feisty system pretty much (tries to remove gnome-desktop LOL). If anyone can lend their expertise on this item, it would be appreciated.

  gaim-irchelper has been merged into purple-plugin-pack

  gaim-themes has been merged into pidgin-data

  galago-gaim-feed is awaiting an update from the galago project team. Currently there are two conflicting patches in the trac. One patch transitions the package to pidgin (though I haven't tested it, and upon inspection, I'm skeptical of whether it works or not), while the other patch is from Ubuntu and adds German language support and fixes a timestamping problem. These two patches do not work together, and the galago team is due to update galago-gaim-feed soon anyway, based on their update schedule. Either way, I don't think there is very high demand for this plugin, though I could be wrong, not to mention that there is an Evolution integration plugin standard in pidgin now, so galago seems a bit superfluous, unless people are using it with other software.

  gnome-fifth-toe, meta-ul-desktop-base are package suites. They are empty packages that require a number of other packages. Basically a "best of" bundle. All that's needed is for the maintainers of these packages to change the dependencies from gaim to pidgin.

 pidgin-console, pidgin-consol-dev, and pidgin-console-data are all part of pidgin and pidgin-data. Simply run "finch" from a terminal.

That's about all I've got on this. If anyone else has anything to add, please do, otherwise I'd like to get some input on what else needs to be done in order for this to be picked up as an official backport.