Comment 0 for bug 1659041

Revision history for this message
Yevgeniy (yshapovalov) wrote :

MOS 9.1 -> 9.2 (MOS_UBUNTU_MIRROR_ID=9.0-2017-01-22-152420)
Contrail version 5.0.0 -> 5.0.1

Steps to reproduce:
1. Deploy environment mos fuel 9.1 with contrail plugin
2. Update contrail plugin from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1
3. Update environment to 9.2
Install mos-release package (Change proposed yum repository if you don't wan't to use lates repo)
yum install -y

Install mos-playbooks package.
yum install -y mos-playbooks

Update the Fuel Master node:
ansible-playbook playbooks/mos9_prepare_fuel.yml
ansible-playbook playbooks/update_fuel.yml -e '{"rebuild_bootstrap":false, "snapshot_repo":"snapshots/<MOS_UBUNTU_MIRROR_ID>", "snapshot_suite":"mos9.0-proposed"}'
ansible-playbook playbooks/mos9_fuel_upgrade_kernel_4.4.yml

Update an existing Mirantis OpenStack environment:
ansible-playbook playbooks/mos9_prepare_env.yml -e '{"env_id":<ENV_ID>, "snapshot_repo":"snapshots/<MOS_UBUNTU_MIRROR_ID>", "snapshot_suite":"mos9.0-proposed"}'

Update the environment:
fuel2 update --env <ENV_ID> install --repos mos9.2-updates

Upgrade the Ubuntu kernel to version 4.4:
ansible-playbook playbooks/mos9_env_upgrade_kernel_4.4.yml -e '{"env_id":<ENV_ID>}'
Verify networks for existing cluster
Run OSTF for existing cluster
Actual result:
Check create, update and delete image actions using Glance v2
Error creating image. Please refer to Openstack logs for more information.
Create volume and boot instance from it
Failed to get to expected status. In error state.
Create volume and attach it to instance
Failed to get to expected status. In error state.
Check network connectivity from instance via floating IP
Failed to get to expected status. In error state.
Launch instance
Failed to get to expected status. In error state.
Launch instance with file injection
Failed to get to expected status. In error state.
Launch instance, create snapshot, launch instance from snapshot
Failed to get to expected status. In error state.
Expected result:
Functional OSTF passed