Comment 1 for bug 1625878

Revision history for this message
Darragh Bailey (dbailey-k) wrote :

I've been able to reproduce this, but only if I skip one of the steps mentioned above.

To set up a test repo I've doing the following in the base of git-upstream:

 # reset to commit at HEAD of master at the time
 git checkout b7dc443ea0b0fef7d618d68b3fd57c60e701ff8a
 tox -e py27
 tox -e build-tree -- git_upstream/tests/commands/import/interactive_scenarios/basic.yaml
 source .tox/py27/bin/activate
 cd .git-test-trees/basic
 git tag 2015.1.4 upstream/master

Then I've followed your steps (with the only different is that I'm using master as target):

 git branch temp-import/2015.1.4 2015.1.4
 git-upstream import --no-merge temp-import/2015.1.4

Which returned the following output:

 Searching for previous import
 Starting import of upstream
 Successfully created import branch
 Attempting to linearise previous changes
 Successfully applied all locally carried changes
 Import complete, not merging to target branch 'HEAD' as

And then running:

 git-upstream import --finish --into master --import-branch import/2015.1.4 temp-import/2015.1.4


 Searching for previous import
 Merging import to requested branch 'master'
 Successfully finished import:
     target branch: 'master'
     upstream branch: 'temp-import/2015.1.4'
     import branch: 'import/2015.1.4'

However when I run the following steps instead:

 git branch temp-import/2015.1.4 2015.1.4
 # note no import with --no-merge
 git-upstream import --finish --into master --import-branch import/2015.1.4 temp-import/2015.1.4

I see the response of:

 Searching for previous import
 Merging import to requested branch 'master'
 ERROR : Failed to finish import by merging branch: 'import/2015.1.4'
 With commit: 'import/2015.1.4'
 into and replacing the contents of: 'master'

 ERROR : 'git merge --no-commit -s ours import/2015.1.4' returned with exit code 1
 stderr: 'merge: import/2015.1.4 - not something we can merge'

So I'm wondering if perhaps this was just accidental missing a step? As the Nova project is more complex it may not be obvious when running 'git log --decorate --graph --all --oneline' as to what exactly is happening that a step was missed, and also I believe there were other bugs causing some problems.

Any chance you could retest the steps you used with both the commit from git-upstream at the time, and if it does reproduce could you attach a log file (using 'git upstream --log-level debug --log-file myimport.log ...' for both commands will work just fine) from that run and then confirm whether it still occurs with the latest HEAD as well.