Comment 7 for bug 1279000

Revision history for this message
David Geng (genggjh) wrote :

Hi, I hint another error when set the character-set-server to utf8 when start neutron server:
INFO neutron.db.api [-] NT-8B9D93A Database registration exception: (OperationalError) (1071, 'Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes') '\nCREATE TABLE agents (\n\tid VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL, \n\tagent_type VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n\t`binary` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n\ttopic VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n\thost VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \n\tadmin_state_up BOOL NOT NULL, \n\tcreated_at DATETIME NOT NULL, \n\tstarted_at DATETIME NOT NULL, \n\theartbeat_timestamp DATETIME NOT NULL, \n\tdescription VARCHAR(255), \n\tconfigurations VARCHAR(4095) NOT NULL, \n\tPRIMARY KEY (id), \n\tCONSTRAINT uniq_agents0agent_type0host UNIQUE (agent_type, host), \n\tCHECK (admin_state_up IN (0, 1))\n)\n\n' ()