Comment 2 for bug 1109812

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Christopher B. Wright (wrightc) wrote : Re: Guides not accessible in KDE

I'm not surprised that it works under Gnome -- I suspect this is a KDE only bug.

I can confirm that it works just fine in Raleigh. (was using oxygen-gtk when the bug occurred.)

However, I want to stress that Inkscape .48.3 worked properly using oxygen-gtk, while inkscape-trunk does not. (In other words, oxygen-gtk didn't introduce something new that made Inkscape suddenly stop working. It looks like Inkscape introduced something new that's not working with oxygen-gtk).

I tested the three methods you mentioned for removing guides. It appears that when I'm using a theme that interferes with guide functionality, none of the methods work:

a) hovering over the guide does not trigger a highlight, and won't let you delete it.

b) double-clicking on a guide does not present the guides dialog

c) selecting the Edit > Delete All Guides menu has no effect.

There are a number of different GTK themes available on my KDE installation, I will test all of them with Inkscape and post again with a report on which themes work and which do not.