Comment 6 for bug 1434921

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Tavmjong Bah (tavmjong-free) wrote :

It shouldn't be a big problem to set the default in Inkscape to use linearRGB for new filters. Old content created by Inkscape that doesn't have 'color-interpolation-filters' set won't render correctly in browsers so I don't think it is a big deal to use 'linearRGB' for this. Inkscape's canned filters have had 'color-interpolation-filters' set for some time (at least since 0.48).

The bigger problems is for non-filter blending. I don't even think that 'color-interopolation' is in the new CSS blending specification. While it's been in SVG forever, I don't know of single browser that implements it. And I am not sure how it can be implemented using Cairo. Implementation in filters was relatively easy as everything is converted to a bitmap and one just has to convert the bitmaps on the fly to and from linear RGB and save the result as sRGB at the end.