Comment 8 for bug 1569392

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Christopher M. Rogers (cajhne) wrote :

Re: "I don't agree with you here, C. For me, any splash screen that steals space in the foreground is in the way, as I tend to continue working on what I've been doing before until a program is fully loaded - using the time for something useful instead of waiting and looking at an image."

Firstly, thanks for your input.

The Inkscape splash screen does not force it's self over other programs, it just loads as a place holder to tell the user that something is happening, which is why nearly every major graphics program opts to have one. Some are more intrusive than others, ours is one of the least, which is why it's been agreed upon. Some window managers will push loading screens to the back and notify you when the program is ready rather than show it. With this, you can be sure that Inkscape is loading. If by chance your window manager shows you the Inkscape loading screen over what you are working on, it can be defocused just like any other program.

If you've asked for Inkscape to load, Inkscape assumes you want to use it... right away, or at least do something to let you know why you are waiting, and progress on loading.

As far as not offering an opt-out option, we can't really see any reason to add one more hidden option to an ever growing list of obscure settings options when the screen is auto-hiding anyway. The convention of using a loading screen is common enough that users are used to them anyway, so we aren't really doing anything out of the ordinary.

If you are waiting long enough for the loading screen to be a problem, it's better to file a bug report for the loading time being so long (for some reason) rather than disable the loading screen.

Thanks for the spelling correction.